7th Sunday of Easter--Sunday after the Ascension
May 16, 2021: Statement from the Presiding Bishop about Violence in the Land of the Holy One: Our Presiding Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Michael Curry, has responded to the escalating violence between Israelis and Palestinians -- "In the Name of the God of all creation, the violence must stop, regardless of where it comes from and to whom it is directed." The reported injuries and deaths of non-combatants, most of whom are already dispossessed, is heartbreaking. You can read his full statement here. Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and all Israel and Palestine. It's Spring Mulching Weekend! And the "Committee on Weather" has done a splendid job of arranging for a sunny Saturday and keeping clouds to a minimum on Sunday. All willing hands to help tidy beds and spread mulch are welcome on Saturday and Sunday, May 15 and 16. Morning and afternoon times are available for individuals, families and friendly groups by clicking here. Easter Worship Continues with our two services at 10a.m. and 1p.m. this Sunday, May 16; with the Sunday School telling the Pentecost story during next Sunday, May 23rd's 10a.m. livestream; and joining with the rest of the Episcopal Church in CT for a livestreamed "Fifth Sunday" service hosted by St. Paul's Church, Fairfield, at 10a.m. on May 30, Trinity Sunday. At their meeting this Thursday, the Vestry will consider recommendations from our "Worship Options Group" for a third option beginning June 6. As this is written, the forecasts for this Sunday, and next, indicate we'll be able to gather again in the Garden at 1p.m. for Prayers at Mid-Day. Please remember a lawn chair, your mask, and to watch your distance. Digital Sunday School was mailed Friday afternoon. Be sure to check out Children and Youth Ministries Director Tyler Jarvis' video introduction to Sunday's readings, as well as his letter with all the links to videos, songs, coloring pages, and discussion questions. As usual, Tyler's questions aren't just for youngsters, i.e. Following Jesus' Ascension, what responsibilities do Jesus' followers have? In his latest book, Love is the Way: Holding onto Hope in Troubling Times, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry shares stories that illustrate how followers of Jesus are called to live together in Beloved Community. Although this remains unfinished business for the Church and the world, Bishop Curry shows us how to respond in the way of love. Our evening discussions continue Tuesday evenings; and a parallel Rectory Forum conversation continues Sunday mornings at 9a.m. Here's the Zoom link for the Sunday Forum. Virtual Coffee Hour: Check in with folks about Spring adventures. The link to YFNR's Personal Zoom Room seems to work well. So, join the conversation via Zoom on Sunday, May 16 at 11:30a.m. by clicking this link. Wednesday's Order for Evening falls into the "meanwhile time" between Ascension and Pentecost. Join our livestream prayers and hymns, Wednesday evening, May 12, at 7p.m. Thursday Bible Study is following the narrative of the Israelites' wandering in the Book of Numbers -- skipping the chapters of laws and genealogy. A new generation of leaders is being raised up, as we'll see beginning at 9:30a.m. Thursday, May 20, via Zoom. Purple Flags will Return this weekend and fly all of May. The purple flags demonstrate our solidarity with the rest of the Town in encouraging healthy choices among our young people. This is one of many Guilford D.A.Y. projects, which have "achieved great success in reducing teen alcohol/substance abuse by 50% or more over the past ten years, moving [Guilford] from statistics worse than the state average, to a position substantially better than average," reports leader Bo Huhn. Intercessory Prayer: Please help shape the Prayers of the People, by replying to this message with the people, birthdays, anniversaries, and concerns you would like included in the Prayers of the People. We are continuing our experiment with leaving the door closest to the Guild Room unlocked between 10a.m. and at least 3p.m. Please enjoy a quiet moment of prayer, likely alone, and pick up a candle stub for prayers at home. Thanks to all who are mailing in your offerings! Thanks to your faithfulness, we are able to continue our shared life of worship and witness. Please continue your financial support of our common life by bringing your offering to a garden service, or the parish office, or by mailing to Christ Church, PO Box 574, Guilford, CT 06437. In the faith, hope and love of Christ, Harrison+ YFNR
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