Giving Thanks for the Faithful Departed
November 2, 2021 Dear Hearts, David Moore died Monday morning as the sun rose. He had been well and active, and then things changed. We will give thanks for his life and witness -- and the joy he took as a lector -- on Saturday, November 20, at 11a.m. David will also be among the Faithful Departed for whom we will be giving thanks this Wednesday evening. Let us keep David, Mardee, their children and extended family, in our prayers. For the time being, cards, rather than calls, to Mardee would be appreciated. O Lord, grant to your servant David entrance into the realms of light and joy Wednesday Evening Prayers on November 3 at 7p.m., will be our parish remembrance of "All the Faithful Departed" -- especially those "whom we love but see no longer" and who died within the last year. You'll find the bulletin here on Wednesday. You can join the prayers, hymns and readings in-person or via livestream at To add names and concerns for Wednesday's and Sunday's intercessions, please send them to YFNR at [email protected]. Our Journey through the Bible will continue Thursday Morning via this Zoom link. Reading Chapter 2 of The Pathwill take you through the high points of human disobedience in Genesis chapters 4 through 11. Please feel free to join the conversation Thursday morning, November 4 at 9:30a.m. Today is also Election Day 2021. Let us pray: Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of officials and representatives; that by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill you purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For an Election, BCP, p. 822 In the faith, hope and love of Christ, Harrison+ Your Friendly Neighborhood Rector
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