Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals
BaptismsBaptisms are celebrated during Sunday services at Christ Church. The entire community celebrates the initiation of new members into the Christian faith and receives them into “the household of God.” There are no age restrictions on Baptism.
The five Prayer Book occasions for Baptisms are:
WeddingsWith its location on Guilford’s Town Green, and its architectural charm, Christ Church is a beautiful setting for the Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage. Weddings of parishioners, and friends of the parish, are celebrated according to The Book of Common Prayer, the teachings of The Episcopal Church, and the expectations of the Bishops of Connecticut. Our Altar Guild will assist with preparations and flowers. Our Music Director will help with planning and performing music for the service. Planning the service itself is part of the preparatory conversations about marriage each couple has with the rector.
Capacity: The Church seats 220 worshippers. Receptions: The Parish Hall can accommodate receptions. |
FuneralsChrist Church is a dignified and sacred setting for funerals. The Book of Common Prayer offers a hope-filled service for commending our beloved to God’s never-failing care and love. The Parish feels a solemn responsibility to share Christ Church with any who desire a Prayer Book funeral.
Capacity: The Church seats 220 worshippers. Receptions: The parish hall can accommodate receptions. Assistance with the service:
HoursOffice Hours
Monday-Friday 9am-12pm |