Introducing our New Priest in Charge: Rev. Michael Sweeney The Christ Church Vestry is thrilled to share with the congregation today that Rev. Michael Sweeney will begin serving our Parish on July 1. Click here for a letter to our parish from Rev. Sweeney, as well as bio information and some family background. We so look forward to welcoming Michael, his wife Briget, and their three boys Emmett (8 in April), Isaac (4 in February), and James (1 in June). We rejoice in this news and are so excited for the future of this parish. Thanks be to God!!
THE VESTRY: The Vestry meets monthly and will be the Search Committee, interacting with representatives from ECCT (the Diocese) as we go through this process. 2024 Vestry Committee Lisa Ste. Marie/Senior Warden, Chris Robinson/Junior Warden, Virginia Syombathy/Clerk, Dennis Burke, Elaine Deveau, Caroline Herrick, Rob Hutchison, Gabrielle Johnson, David Oshana, Vicky Reeve Treasurer: Ed Seibert. Delegates: Kay Claiborn, Jennifer Huebner
WARDENS: During this time, the Senior Warden (Lisa Ste. Marie) and Junior Warden (Chris Robinson) are the points of contact for this call process, and will coordinate with CEC staff to oversee church operations.
PASTORAL CARE:If you are in need of immediate support or sustenance, please contact the Church office first at (203) 453-2279. Any parishioner may call at any time, day or night. Outside of office hours, or if you cannot get through to the parish administrator, follow the instructions on the voicemail. There is always a lay minister and a priest on call. Help includes hospital visits, transportation, delivering meals and providing at home communion. Click here for more information about Pastoral Care.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs):Link here to a document with more detailed information about the process.
If you have questions, please feel free to call the Church Office (203-453-2279) or email [email protected]. You can always talk with any members of the vestry as well.