Altar Guild
Guild members are responsible for setting up for the eucharist and cleaning up after the service, mostly tending to the silver. We also take care of the linens, candles, change hangings per season or special occasions. This is not difficult work but important. Current leaders: Katherine Frydenborg, Diane Pierpont Choir
Our adult choir sings each Sunday at the 10 AM Service from September through early June, and at other services and special occasions throughout the church year. We rehearse each Wednesday evening from 7:30–9:15. Director: Mark Sullivan Youth Faith Formation
This committee provides support, guidance and planning for all youth ministry activities. Work in conjunction with Sunday school and Middle School/High School leaders to plan curriculum, events, and annual calendars. Information HERE Chair: Page Pelphrey Hospitality
Love to throw a party? Come join us in supporting all of Christ Church's good times, organizing food, drink, set-up and friendly community! Chair: Donna Tafel Men's Group
Meets monthly in Guild Room on Thursdays, usually from 5 to 6 p.m. Topics in the past have been Biblical, spiritual, personal experience, and no politics. What is shared in the group stays in the group. (This committee is on hiatus for now.) Chair: Tony Leonard Newcomers Group
This group organizes events to welcome newcomers and provide information about parish activities. Chairs: Kay Claiborn, Mardee Moore, Diana Stovall Sunday Readers & Chalice Bearers Chair: Laura Raymond Newcomer's Chair: Parish Grounds Chair: Michael Haggans |
Parish Life
Develop and lead events and programming to strengthen the bonds of our Parish members to one another and to Christ Church. Click here for more information. Chair: Susan Leonard Outreach
Members seek ways to connect with the greater Guilford community, including New Haven. We follow Christ’s exhortation to Love Our Neighbors as Ourselves. We meet monthly on Monday evenings at Christ Episcopal Church. See details here about this committee. Chair: Mary Anne Osborn+ Pastoral Care If you are in need of support or sustenance, please contact the Church office first at (203) 453-2279. Help includes hospital visits, transportation, delivering meals and providing at home communion. Contact Rev. Michael Sweeney Stewardship
The Stewardship Committee organizes and plans the annual campaign and pledge drive, which is an expression of our gratitude to God for his generous care. Chair: Dennis Burke & Vicky Reeve Tag Sale Team
The primary goal of the team is to raise funds for the Capital Reserve to assist in financing projects that will preserve our historic church and buildings. In doing so, Christ Church increases its visibility within the community and provides an opportunity for church members and friends to work together towards a shared objective. Chairs: Rose Robinson, Patti Kron, Elena Phillips |
Travelers Group
This committee helps parishioners to meet and develop deeper connection with others in the Parish. No, we are not traveling anywhere except on life’s journey, together. “Life is short, and we don’t have too much time to gladden the hearts of those who travel the way with us. So make haste to love, and be swift to be kind.” Current Leaders: Susan Leonard Ushers
Ushers welcome guests, distribute bulletins, ring the bell and assist those who need special care. The ushers are also responsible for offerings and direct the communion. After the service is over, ushers clean up the pews and ensure the church is left in an orderly state. Chair: Mardee Moore Vestry Vestry is responsible for the non-spiritual aspect of the church operations. Members are elected for specific terms as either a warden or a member, usually for three year terms or one year three times. Chair: Rector & Senior Warden Lisa Ste. Marie Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee’s mission is, in the absence of a Rector, to advise the Vestry regarding special liturgical celebrations, for instance, the annual Blessing of the Animals on the Green, the Ecumenical Blessing of the Palms on Palm Sunday, Wednesday during Holy Week, etc. It provides other input as may be helpful during this period. Chair: Gabrielle Johnson, Mary Anne Osborn+, Mark Sullivan Worship Options Committee
This committee provides guidance and counsel to the Rector in directing decisions about the congregational worship experience. It meets periodically to assess the implementation of changing health guidance. This was an important function during the depth of COVID-19 and will continue as we continue both streaming and in-person services. Chair: Michael Haggans |
HoursOffice Hours
Monday-Friday 9am-12pm |