Glad Tidings Online - October/November 2015
News from the Evening ECW
The EECW is off to a great start! Our first meeting was May 7th, 2015, and we have hit the ground running. To date, we have hosted coffee hour, organized our first Tag Sale, which was a great success, and we are currently working on our holiday bread/cheese fundraiser. This will be our first attempt to work with the morning ECW and we hope we can enjoy many more activities with them.
We don't want you to think that all we do is work. We did have two very nice social evenings, one at the Stone House, and the other, a wine and appetizer party, at Diane Kyle's home. So as you can see, we are not your grandmother's ECW! If you would like to come and join in the fun, we meet the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Guild Room and finish the meeting at 8 p.m. Our next meeting is November 5th, which will be a planning meeting for the coming months. We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions or wish to be added to our mailing list, please contact Diane Kyle at 203-915-0295, or email her at [email protected].
Acolytes Add New Members
In the five years that Harrison has been with us, our Acolyte Program has grown in numbers, and this year is no exception. The first year of eligibility is 4th grade, so Sam Mayo, A.J. Lafata, Carter Bryan, and Kenneth Pelphrey, being new 4th graders, have joined the Acolyte Program at Christ Episcopal Church as torch bearers.
Their excitement peaked as the date of their first acolyte assignment arrived. Equal to that was their parents’ pride as watched their youngsters come down the aisle for the first time!
A few of these names you might recognize, as their older siblings are already acolytes: Sam Mayo joins his sister Alex, while Carter Bryan joins his sisters Natalie and Kayla. We welcome both parents and youngsters to the program.
We have 20 youngsters on our list of acolytes, many of whom have been serving for five years, this being the start of their sixth. Seven of the acolytes have started or are in high school but continue to serve. We much appreciate their continued service.
This summer the acolytes hosted their third car wash fund-raiser, and they also take part in other youth group fund -raisers: the spaghetti supper and the Christmas wreath sale. We hope to be attending, for the second time, the Annual Festival of Acolytes at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC, in the fall of 2016. More to come!
By being acolytes, the youngsters serve our parish and learn to respect the traditions of our Church, carrying out their duties with great pride and reverence.
If your youngster is in 4th grade through high school, he or she can become an acolyte. Training is ongoing. You have to be in 6th grade to be a crucifer and 4th -12th grade to be a torch bearer. They all start a little concerned in the beginning, but after that first time want to know how soon they can do it again! If you are interested in participating in this service, contact Pat Wakefield in the office or speak with either Harrison or myself on any Sunday.
--Susan C. Shackford
The EECW is off to a great start! Our first meeting was May 7th, 2015, and we have hit the ground running. To date, we have hosted coffee hour, organized our first Tag Sale, which was a great success, and we are currently working on our holiday bread/cheese fundraiser. This will be our first attempt to work with the morning ECW and we hope we can enjoy many more activities with them.
We don't want you to think that all we do is work. We did have two very nice social evenings, one at the Stone House, and the other, a wine and appetizer party, at Diane Kyle's home. So as you can see, we are not your grandmother's ECW! If you would like to come and join in the fun, we meet the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Guild Room and finish the meeting at 8 p.m. Our next meeting is November 5th, which will be a planning meeting for the coming months. We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions or wish to be added to our mailing list, please contact Diane Kyle at 203-915-0295, or email her at [email protected].
Acolytes Add New Members
In the five years that Harrison has been with us, our Acolyte Program has grown in numbers, and this year is no exception. The first year of eligibility is 4th grade, so Sam Mayo, A.J. Lafata, Carter Bryan, and Kenneth Pelphrey, being new 4th graders, have joined the Acolyte Program at Christ Episcopal Church as torch bearers.
Their excitement peaked as the date of their first acolyte assignment arrived. Equal to that was their parents’ pride as watched their youngsters come down the aisle for the first time!
A few of these names you might recognize, as their older siblings are already acolytes: Sam Mayo joins his sister Alex, while Carter Bryan joins his sisters Natalie and Kayla. We welcome both parents and youngsters to the program.
We have 20 youngsters on our list of acolytes, many of whom have been serving for five years, this being the start of their sixth. Seven of the acolytes have started or are in high school but continue to serve. We much appreciate their continued service.
This summer the acolytes hosted their third car wash fund-raiser, and they also take part in other youth group fund -raisers: the spaghetti supper and the Christmas wreath sale. We hope to be attending, for the second time, the Annual Festival of Acolytes at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC, in the fall of 2016. More to come!
By being acolytes, the youngsters serve our parish and learn to respect the traditions of our Church, carrying out their duties with great pride and reverence.
If your youngster is in 4th grade through high school, he or she can become an acolyte. Training is ongoing. You have to be in 6th grade to be a crucifer and 4th -12th grade to be a torch bearer. They all start a little concerned in the beginning, but after that first time want to know how soon they can do it again! If you are interested in participating in this service, contact Pat Wakefield in the office or speak with either Harrison or myself on any Sunday.
--Susan C. Shackford