Report of the Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following slate of nominees to the Annual Parish Meeting of Christ Episcopal Church, Guilford, to be held on February 5, 2017. The Committee expresses its gratitude to the nominees for their willingness to stand for election and to serve the parish in these roles.
N.B.: Terms expire upon the election of successors, typically at the Annual Parish Meeting on the first Sunday in February of the year given.
Parish Officers:
Senior Warden – Rose Robinson (for a first one-year term, of a possible three)
Junior Warden – Susan Shackford (for a second one-year term, of a possible three)
Clerk – Diane Kyle (for a third one-year term, of a possible three)
Treasurer – Ted Sands (for a third one-year term, of a possible three)
Vestry Class of 2020:
Rebecca Ervin
Mitra Kish
Bob McNamara
Vestry Class of 2018: Katherine Frydenborg (completing Don Pogue’s term)
Alternate Delegate to Convention of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut (ECCT):
Susan Pogue
Nominating Committee for the 274th Annual Parish Meeting:
Holley Claiborn, Jennifer Huebner, Jen McShane, Laura Raymond
(The Rector and Wardens are members ex-officio.)
Respectfully submitted,
The Nominating Committee for the 273rdAnnual Parish Meeting
Elected Members: Susannah Bryan, Lisa Ste. Marie, Diana Stovall, Paul Whitman
Ex-officio Members: Patricia Daunic, Senior Warden; Susan Shackford, Junior Warden; and
Harrison West+, Rector
N.B.: Terms expire upon the election of successors, typically at the Annual Parish Meeting on the first Sunday in February of the year given.
Parish Officers:
Senior Warden – Rose Robinson (for a first one-year term, of a possible three)
Junior Warden – Susan Shackford (for a second one-year term, of a possible three)
Clerk – Diane Kyle (for a third one-year term, of a possible three)
Treasurer – Ted Sands (for a third one-year term, of a possible three)
Vestry Class of 2020:
Rebecca Ervin
Mitra Kish
Bob McNamara
Vestry Class of 2018: Katherine Frydenborg (completing Don Pogue’s term)
Alternate Delegate to Convention of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut (ECCT):
Susan Pogue
Nominating Committee for the 274th Annual Parish Meeting:
Holley Claiborn, Jennifer Huebner, Jen McShane, Laura Raymond
(The Rector and Wardens are members ex-officio.)
Respectfully submitted,
The Nominating Committee for the 273rdAnnual Parish Meeting
Elected Members: Susannah Bryan, Lisa Ste. Marie, Diana Stovall, Paul Whitman
Ex-officio Members: Patricia Daunic, Senior Warden; Susan Shackford, Junior Warden; and
Harrison West+, Rector