Heavenly Father, giver of life and health:
Comfort and relieve your servants who are ill, and give your power of healing to those who minister to their needs, that they may be strengthened in their weakness and have confidence in your loving care; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Book of Common Prayer, p.459 Dear Hearts, Our prayers are asked for -- All who are ill or in distress including: Joan G -- now home with her daughter; Lois C -- out of the hospital but not yet home; Gabrielle & Robin -- at home; Lisa & Matthew -- at home, Robert C -- at home, Jim & Annie -- who can't be together for now, and for all facing financial hardship because of the pandemic. May they all know the healing power of Christ's presence and love. for the repose of Pamela McGuigan's brother, Jon Blair, and for all who have died during the Covid-19 pandemic; and for those whom we hold in blessed memory, including John Moffat The strife is o'er, the battle done; the victory of life is won. In thanksgiving for the birth of Emery Lora to Ellen & Alex G, a second granddaughter for Nancy & Art W. Confirm this family's joy with a lively sense of your presence. In thanksgiving for the 40th wedding anniversary of Mardee & David Send your blessing upon your servants, that they may continue to love, honor and cherish each other. Please continue to hold in prayer: Avery M., Sandy G., Murray E., Brooke & family, Kate S., Tracy M., Carl, Winnie Z.,; Jennifer, Robert & James; Carol L-U, Judy & Eddie G. and family, Sandy & Roy N., Madeline H, Kelly G, Paul D, Lois S, Hope S, Bob vM, Joanne N-R, Dave K, Margaret S, Philomena, Justin, Bob A, Jean, Virginia M, Florence C, Linda, Michael S Also: Linda B, June C, Charlie K, Anne C, Mark S, Angela G, Maria, Bob, Olivia, Lois, and Jo. Please also remember: St. Luke’s School & Church in Martel (Haiti). To add names and concerns for next Sunday's intercessions, and this "Let Us Pray" letter, please send them to YFNR at [email protected] with any details you care to share. Names will then move to the "continuing" list for 30 days, and the longer term list upon request. And Another Thought: In his reflection on Sunday's Gospel story -- about the appearance of the Risen Christ to two disciples on the Road to Emmaus, the Very Rev. Randolph Hollerith reminded me that we don't actually know where Emmaus was! On my trips to the Holy Land I've been to one of the possible sites for Emmaus, some seven miles from Jerusalem, and it's a lovely green place in the Judean hill country. Over the centuries several sites have claimed, and continue to claim, to be the biblical Emmaus, to attract pilgrims (and their infusion of cash in the local economy) wanting to be where the disciples had met their Risen Lord. Dean Hollerith thus extends the story of Emmaus: Not only do we not know in whom we will meet Jesus, we don't know in what geographic spot we will find him. He concludes: The risen Christ walks among us, not just within our worship but everywhere we go. He is on the road even now seeking to encounter us, waiting to be invited to the table. He knows how hard this life can be; he’s lived it. But he has also promised to be with us – whenever two or three are gathered together in his name – he will be with us. That’s an Easter promise and one we can count on. If you'd like to receive a daily meditation from one of the clergy of Washington National Cathedral, you can subscribe here. Wednesday Evening Prayers Our livestream evening service of prayer and music will continue this Wednesday, April 30 at 7p.m., The service will be a form of the Order for Evening with lots of candlelight. We'll again use the stirring Litany for the season of the pandemic, written by Anne & +Jeffrey Rowthorn -- former bishop suffragan in Connecticut. Every week I tweak, and usually extend, the categories of essential workers named in the Litany. If you would like to contribute to this effort, please reply to this message with your thoughts. An order of service will be available Wednesday morning here. Thursday Morning Bible Study will continue this Thursday, April 9, 9:30-10:30a.m. on Zoom. We'll look into Chapter 10. Here's the link to our online conversation: click here: Participation by telephone is also possible; I'll send the connection number on request. Apologies for Sunday's video and audio: I understand that on occasion the video of Sunday's service would freeze, and that the spoken word was difficult to understand -- except for the intercessions offered right by the camera. Mark Sullivan is working on remedies. Please hang in there while we try to get this sorted out! Having alluded to it in the thanksgivings above, here is the complete text of a lovely prayer from the service of "Thanksgiving for a Child." O God, you have taught us through your blessed Son that whoever receives a little child in the name of Christ receives Christ himself: We give you thanks for the blessing you have bestowed upon this family in giving them a child. Confirm their joy by a lively sense of your presence with them, and give them calm strength and patient wisdom as they seek to bring this child to love all that is true and noble, just and pure, lovable and gracious, excellent and admirable, following the example of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. BCP, p. 443 As the sergeant would say at the end of the daily briefing on "Hill Street Blues," "Be safe out there!" In the faith, hope and love of Christ,, Harrison+ YFNR p.s. Reminders for Christ Church's online worship:
April 24, 2020
Dear Hearts, Our season of celebrating Jesus' Resurrection -- and our own participation in his Risen Life -- continues. This Sunday, we go back to the early evening of Resurrection Day, when two of Jesus' disciples encounter the Risen Lord on the Road to Emmaus. (Luke 24:13-35). This message includes announcements about:
There's a phrase in the "traditional form" of the Lord's Prayer, that has given me pause since I was a boy, and frankly I haven't found any of the pious explanations from my Sunday School days (or since) the least bit helpful. That phrase is "Lead us not into temptation." Would God do that? Admittedly the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness after his baptism, but only Matthew says that Jesus was led there "to be tempted."(4.1) Mark and Luke take pains to separate the Holy Spirit's leading and the devil's tempting. Then there are the plain words in the Letter of James, " ... for God cannot be tempted by evil, and [God] himself tempts no one."(1.13b) The 1979 Prayer Book provides an alternative text for the Lord's Prayer. When I was first introduced to this alternative in Trial-Use revisions of the Prayer Book in the 1970's, it was like the clouds parted. I could pray "Save us from the time of trial" without crossing my fingers! The challenge in translating this line of the prayer is that the Greek word peirasmos carries meanings of temptation, testing and trial. We are surely "in" a time of trial in this season of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this time of trial, we (apparently) need God's help to avoid the temptations of self-serving behaviors that disregard our neighbors' health or needs, e.g. not wearing a mask, and hoarding. For that reason, I'm going to invite us to "try-on" using the alternative text. You will find this form printed in the online bulletins for Sunday's Eucharist and Wednesday's Order for Evening. The version of the Lord's Prayer that you use is, of course, entirely up to you! I'll be interested in your reactions, and happily respond to any questions that you might have. Sunday Vocal Solos for Eastertide: To help us celebrate Eastertide, our Music Director Mark Sullivan has arranged with Mark Rehnstrom and Leila Mustakos to provide vocal solos, one each Sunday through Pentecost. This Sunday, Leila will grace us with another timely aria from Messiah, "If God be for us, who can be against us." This passage is lifted from Romans 8:31b; Bible Study participants will find it very familiar from our discussion on April 15. These solos by professional vocalists is funded by your generous Eastertide gifts. Thank you! "Forward Day-by-Day" is an inspiring booklet of daily devotions on specific Bible passages. Copies are usually available in the Narthex or on the Ushers' Table. If you regularly pick one of these up, please let our Parish Administrator Donna Tafel know at [email protected] or the office voicemail 203-453-2279, and she will mail the May-July edition to you. Please specify if you need the Large-Print edition. Perhaps you now find yourself being open to this daily discipline. If so, you're in good company: Betty Ford was probably one of the most out-spoken devotees of Forward Day-by-Day. It is also available in all sorts of digital forms; find them by clicking here. Outreach to the Homeless: Although our parish mask-makers are doing so out of steadfast concern (also known as "love") for their neighbors, some kind folks have insisted on making contributions to our Outreach funds. Rose Robinson reports that $172 of camping supplies have already been sent to support the efforts of the Amistad Catholic Workers house with New Haven's homeless folk. Our Outreach team will arrange for future recipients. After learning about the work of the Amistad Catholic Workers house with homeless people, our ECW leaders asked to have your gifts of personal-care items and underwear be sent to them. Unfortunately, these items were still here because their original destination, Chapel-on-the-Green, has temporarily suspended all in-person ministries. I'm happy to report that all these donations are now on their way to New Haven. Sunday Intercessions: Please help shape Sunday's Prayers of the People by sending me the people and concerns you would like included. This is the online version of the clipboard where you would note people, concerns and thanksgivings for inclusion in our Sunday prayers. Please reply to this message by 5p.m. on Saturday. Our intercessions, remembrances and thanksgivings will be sent out on Monday (that's still my goal!) with any particulars you'd like to share; so, please be specific about what you're sharing just with me, and what you'd like to share with the rest of the parish. Wednesday Evening Prayers: Our livestream mid-week evening service of prayer and music has made the shift to its Eastertide format. For the time, we're using a Litany for this season of the coronavirus written by Anne & Jeffrey Rowthorn. Yes, those Rowthorns! Ann and retired Bishop Rowthorn, are currently in residence at the Ecumenical Institute in Collegeville, MN. An online bulletin will be available Wednesday morning. Thursday Morning Bible Study meets 9:30-10:30a.m. via Zoom. We're moving into Chapter 9 of Paul's letter to the Romans; this section has been called "God on Trial" -- Why are the peoples of God so divided, if in fact, salvation is available to all? Here's the link to our online conversation: click here: Participation by telephone is also possible; I'll send the connection number on request. Digital Sunday School: I'm looking forward to what Tyler Jarvis, our Director for Children's & Youth Ministry, has in store for our youngsters this weekend! Look for it in your in-box, and if it's not there, check your "buik mail" or "spam" folder. You can find editions for previous Sunday's by clicking here. Thanks to all who are mailing in your offerings! God bless you, and may your numbers increase! Although we are not meeting together in-person, the life of the Church continues online, in prayer, worship, education and service -- and in all the ways that support and maintain our common life. So, as you are able, in your current financial situation, please continue your financial support of the parish by sending your offerings to Christ Church, PO Box 574, Guilford, CT 06437. Your offering will be presented at the altar; it will be physically present, even while you remain safely at home. If you are sheltering-in-place and need assistance with picking up groceries or prescriptions, please be in touch with the Parish Office. Fellow parishioners would gladly do the go-fer-ing for you. .In the faith, hope and love of Christ,, Harrison+ YFNR p.s. Reminders for Christ Church's online worship:
Almighty and everlasting God, who in the Paschal mystery established the new covenant of reconciliation:
Grant that all who have been reborn into the fellowship of Christ's Body may show forth in their lives what they profess by their faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Book of Common Prayer, p.224 Dear Hearts, Our prayers are asked for -- All who are ill or in distress including: Joan Gilliland -- getting checked out; Susan Sawyer -- continuing treatment, and Jim & Annie -- who can't be together for now. May they know the healing power of Christ's presence and love. for the repose of Pamela McGuigan's brother, Jon Blair, and for all who have died during the Covid-19 pandemic; and for those whom we hold in blessed memory, including Robert & Franceska Cairns, Elisabeth & Robert Glenn, Martin Maher Norton & Franceska Morrison The strife is o'er, the battle done; the victory of life is won. In thanksgiving for the birthdays of Austin L,, Bob D., Daniel D., David M. May they grow in wisdom and grace! Let us thank God for -- for Mark Rehnstrom singing his own composition, "On earth has dawned this day of days;" for Alicia & Phil B. pruning the driveway hydrangeas, and for the faithful service of our Finance Committee and Vestry through these challenging times! We thank you for setting us at tasks that engage our best efforts, and for guiding us to accomplishments that satisfy and delight us. Please continue to hold in prayer: Avery M., Sandy G., Lois Creighton, Murray E., Brooke & family, Murray E., Kate S., Tracy M., Carl, Winnie Z.,; Jennifer, Robert & James; Carol L-U, Judy & Eddie G. and family, Sandy & Roy N., Madeline Hubbard, Kelly Gatto, Paul Dostie, Lois Sawtell, Hope Sperry, Bob van Marx, Kelly, Joanne Neel-Richard, Dave Kurcharski, Nancy Cairns, Fred Murphy, Margaret Smith, Philomena, Justin, Bob Augur, Jean, Virginia Maioriano, Florence Clark, Linda, Michael Sandrey Also: Linda Brouard, June Chittick, Charlie Koncz, Anne Christofferson, Mark Scott, Angela Goodfellow, Maria, Bob, Olivia, Lois, and Jo. Please also remember: St. Luke’s School & Church in Martel (Haiti). To add names and concerns for next Sunday's intercessions, and this "Let Us Pray" letter, please send them to YFNR at [email protected] with any details you care to share. Names will then move to the "continuing" list for 30 days, and the longer term list upon request. An Easter Message from Sewanee: Sewanee, otherwise known as the University of the South, prepared a visually beautiful and spiritually inspiring Easter message. The preacher is the University chaplain, my friend and former classmate, the Rev. Tom Macfie; one of the other voices is (English Professor) Pamela Macfie, his wife and also a good friend. Hearing Tom's take on the Resurrection, and seeing the beauty of the Domain, may tip you off on why I love the place. You can find it here. Wednesday Evening Prayers Our livestream evening service of prayer and music will continue this Wednesday, April 22 at 7p.m., The service will be a form of the Order for Evening with lots of candlelight. We'll again use the stirring Litany for the season of the pandemic, written by Anne & +Jeffrey Rowthorn -- former bishop suffragan in Connecticut. An order of service will be available Wednesday morning here. Thursday Morning Bible Study will continue this Thursday, April 9, 9:30-10:30a.m. on Zoom. We will move into Chapter 9; sometimes called "God on Trial" Here's the link to our online conversation: click here: Participation by telephone is also possible; I'll send the connection number on request. A bit more about 1st Lieutenant Joseph B.Williams: In Sunday's sermon, I told the story of the chalice given to Chaplain Williams by his parish in Pelham, NY -- the only part of the communion set they gave him to survive a German bombardment during the closing days of World War II. Although Fr. Williams sustained respiratory damage during his service. he went on to be the founding rector of a parish in the booming Chicago suburb of Barrington. The stress of that position caused the respiratory issue to return; eventually he became the part-time vicar of a small country congregation outside Eugene, Oregon; he also became his partner Clyde's chief assistant in Clyde's sought-after interior design studio. I became acquainted with Joe & Clyde when a newly ordained deacon dragged Fr. William's out of retirement to celebrate the Eucharist for the small congregation placed in the deacon's care. I'm sorry to report that the Church did not always honor Joe's devoted ministry; but in my experience, in the words of the Collect above, he showed forth in his life what he professed by his faith. That was from last Sunday's Collect for the Second Sunday in Easter. Here's a prayer For Recovery from Sickness O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servants the help of your power, that their sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP, p. 458 As I trust you are aware, the wave of infection is moving up I-95; so please be careful, stay safe, say your prayers, and in the words of Florence Nightengale, "Wash your hands!" . In the faith, hope and love of Christ,, Harrison+ YFNR p.s. Reminders for Christ Church's online worship:
April 18, 2020
Dear Hearts, Our season of celebrating Jesus' Resurrection -- and our own participation in his Risen Life -- continues. In fact, the Season of Easter, aka "Eastertide", lasts for seven weeks -- a week of weeks. Our worship this Sunday revolves around an appearance of the Risen Lord to all of his disciples, and Peter's witness to Jesus' Resurrection. As a way to prepare for Sunday's worship, please check out ... Digital Sunday School: I highly recommend that you watch Tyler Jarvis' video introduction to this week's Digital Sunday School. In it, Tyler, our Director for Children's & Youth Ministry, shares some "unbelievable-but-true facts," and asks our children (and those of us who "overhear" his message to them) some excellent questions. You can find the video by clicking here If you didn't find Tyler's Digital Sunday School in your inbox, then check out your system's "Bulk Mail" or "spam folder". That's where I have found it the last two weeks! Both weeks I have moved the letter into my inbox and added the address to my mailbox. In any case, Tyler's offerings are always worth pursuing! Llinks to the Digital Sunday School offerings for previous Sunday's are also available on our homepage here. Sunday Soloists for Eastertide: Our worship on Easter Sunday was greatly enriched by Rachel Postovoit singing "My Redeemer Liveth" from Messiah. (And yes, Rachel is Katie Postovoit Jones' sister.) To help us celebrate Eastertide, our Music Director Mark Sullivan is arranging with other soloists -- actually professional singers -- to participate in our worship for this season. This week Mark Rehnstrom-- who usually sings on Sundays in NYC's Middle Collegiate Church -- will sing an original anthem for Easter. Outreach with Masks, and to the Homeless: Rose Robinson reports 333 masks have been made and distributed by Christ Church folks and friends! This group is now working on masks for Gaylord Hospital and for Guilford folks. Our bishops are encouraging us all to heed Governor Lamont's request that we wear masks when in proximity with people outside of our own households. If you need one and/or would like to participate in this ministry, please be in touch with Rose Help for those without Shelter: Camping supplies, especially tents, sleeping bags, warm blankets and tarps are being collected for the Amistad Catholic Worker House in New Haven's Hill neighborhood and their work the city's unhoused population. If you can donate any of these or other items, please contact, Lynne Charles: [email protected], 203-421-1094 (landline) Sunday Intercessions: Please help shape Sunday's Prayers of the People by sending me the people and concerns you would like included. This is the online version of the clipboard where you would note people, concerns and thanksgivings for inclusion in our Sunday prayers. Please reply to this message by 5p.m. on Saturdays. Our intercessions, remembrances and thanksgivings will be sent out on Monday (that's still my goal!) with any particulars you'd like to share; so, please be specific about what you're sharing just with me, and what you'd like to share with the rest of the parish. Wednesday Evening Prayers: Our livestream mid-week evening service of prayer and music has made the shift to its Eastertide format. For the time, we're using a Litany for this season of the coronavirus written by Anne & Jeffrey Rowthorn. Yes, those Rowthorns! Ann and retired Bishop Rowthorn, are currently in residence at the Ecumenical Institute in Collegeville, MN. An online bulletin will be available Wednesday morning. Thursday Morning Bible Study meets 9:30-10:30a.m. via Zoom. We're moving into Chapter 9 of Paul's letter to the Romans; this section has been called "God on Trial" -- Why are the peoples of God so divided, if in fact, salvation is available to all? Here's the link to our online conversation: click here: Participation by telephone is also possible; I'll send the connection number on request. Youth Confirmation Group will Zoom together on Monday, April 20, 7-8p.m. Be on the lookout for an invitation to the meeting. Thanks to all who are mailing in your offerings! God bless you, and may your numbers increase! Although we are not meeting together in-person, the life of the Church continues online, in prayer, worship, education and service -- and in all the ways that support and maintain our common life. So, as you are able, in your current financial situation, please continue your financial support of the parish by sending your offerings to Christ Church, PO Box 574, Guilford, CT 06437. Your offering will be presented at the altar; it will be physically present, even while you remain safely at home. A Message from our Senior Warden: My son asked me, “Do you go to church for the spiritual aspect or the social?” He knows me well. As someone fairly new to the Episcopal Church but a church-goer since childhood, religious services are part of what keeps me balanced in a highly secular world. But I am also a very social person. It would be hard to believe that we would not soon be able to greet one another with hugs, eye contact, the Peace handshake, coffee hour. Many of us have enjoyed Disciples Dinners, Men’s Group, and Travelers Together. Christ Church values Inreach (toward the Parish) and Outreach (toward the greater community, our neighbors as ourselves) as well as our weekly communion service, Bible study, Forum, and Faith Formation. So, I hopewedon’t have to choose between spiritual and social aspects of our church. Both are important. At this time of social isolation, I am glad to worship online and to find plenty (too much?) of quiet time to meditate and pray, but also deeply sorry not to spend time in your physical presence. Let’s all use this interruption of our normal lives to consider what is most important to us as individuals and a church community, then vow to commit time, money, and energy to participating as we can now, as we look forward to being together again. Susan Leonard, Senior Warden I'll let Susan have the last word, except to stipulate, if you are sheltering-in-place and need assistance with picking up groceries or prescriptions, please be in touch with the Parish Office. Fellow parishioners would gladly do the go-fer-ing for you. .In the faith, hope and love of Christ,, Harrison+ YFNR p.s. Reminders for Christ Church's online worship:
April 14, 2020
O God, who by the glorious resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light: Grant that we, who have been raised with him, may abide in his presence and rejoice in the hope of eternal glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit, be dominion and praise for ever and ever. Amen. Book of Common Prayer, p.223 Dear Hearts, Our prayers are asked for -- All who are ill including Avery M., Sandy G., Lois Creighton in hospital; Brooke & family, Murray E, -- for strength and comfort May they know the healing power of Christ's presence and love. for the repose of Lisa, and of Dick, and of Mary Pommer, and for all who have died during the Covid-19 pandemic. The strife is o'er, the battle done; the victory of life is won. In thanksgiving for Jack T's birthday! Happy Birthday, Jack! Let us thank God for -- Marsha Brown's creativity in decorating the chancel for Easter; for Rachel Postovoit's beauifully sung aria from Messiah; for Christ Robinsons's continuing oversight of our audio, and for Mark Sullivan's terrific musical inspiration for our Holy Week journey, concluding with his splendid Easter offering of the Widor Toccata. We thank you for setting us at tasks that engage our best efforts, and for guiding us to accomplishments that satisfy and delight us. Please continue to hold in prayer: Kate S., Tracy M., Carl, Winnie Z., Jim Rae; Jennifer, Robert & James; Carol L-U, Judy & Eddie G. and family, Sandy & Roy N., Madeline Hubbard, Kelly Gatto, Paul Dostie, Lois Sawtell, Hope Sperry, Bob van Marx, Kelly, Joanne Neel-Richard, Dave Kurcharski, Nancy Cairns, Fred Murphy, Margaret Smith, Philomena, Justin, Bob Augur, Jean, Virginia Maioriano, Florence Clark, Linda, Michael Sandrey Also: Linda Brouard, June Chittick, Charlie Koncz, Anne Christofferson, Mark Scott, Angela Goodfellow, Maria, Bob, Olivia, ILois, and Jo. Please also remember: St. Luke’s School & Church in Martel (Haiti) . To add names and concerns for next Sunday's intercessions, and this "Let Us Pray" letter, please send them to YFNR at [email protected] with any details you care to share. Names will then move to the "continuing" list for 30 days, and the longer term list upon request. Easter Flowers: If you're in the neighborhood, and would like to bring the joy of Easter to your home or someone else's, please drop by the Rectory garage. Plants from the altar will be on a table by the garage door during office hours (10a.m. - 3p.m.) Tuesday and Wednesday, April 14 and 15. Wednesday Evening Prayers Our livestream evening service of prayer and music will continue into Eastertide on Wednesday, April 15 at 7p.m., The service will be a form of the Order for Evening with lots of candlelight. With the end of Lent, we'll let go of the Great Litany and bring in other prayers. An online bulletin will be available Wednesday morning. Thursday Morning Bible Study will continue this Thursday, April 9, 9:30-10:30a.m. on Zoom. We will continue our discussion of chapter 8 of Paul's Letter to the Romans. We've reached the chapter's soaring affirmation -- "nothing can separate us from the love of God." A great text for Easter Week and the pandemic. Here's the link to our online conversation: click here: Participation by telephone is also possible; I'll send the connection number on request. Holy Saturday Message from the Green: In Sunday's sermon, I mentioned the video message that I shared with my colleagues who lead two other congregations around the Green (Fr. Sledesky of St. George Catholic Church and Dr. Brasher-Cunningham of First Congregational Church). We recorded it on the windswept Green on the morning of Holy Saturday. You can find it on the Christ Church Facebook page here. One more thing about fear: In Sunday's sermon, I didn't develop the "bitter" side of the saying from Fr. Stephen's mentor, "Tough times can make us bitter or better." The thing is, the bitter response to tough times is toxic: the fearful responses to our current tough times are toxic. These bitter responses inspire hoarding and competition for everything from personal protective equipment (a new term in my vocabulary!) to, well, yes, toilet paper. The toxicity of bitterness and fear also shows up in graffiti on synagogue doors during Passover, boycotts of Asian restaurants, and other slights against our Asian-American neighbors -- as Pastor Ginger mentioned. FDR's famous line about fear -- "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." -- is an echo of the angel's words to Mary Magdalene and another Mary at the open tomb, "Do not be afraid." Yes, this horrible virus is a fearful thing, but let's respond with caution, steadfast concern, and hope. And perhaps you recognize that "steadfast concern" is one translation of the Hebrew term chesed; another translation is "loving kindness." I began above with the Collect for Tuesday in Easter Week, I want to conclude with a prayer "For Doctors and Nurses" and all serving on the frontlines of this pandemic. Sanctify, O Lord, those whom you have called to the study and practice of the arts of healing, and to the prevention of disease and pain. Strengthen them by your life-giving Spirit -- keep them safe and inspire us to provide the equipment they need -- that by their ministries the health of the community may be promoted and your creation glorified; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP, p. 460 Thank you for the kind messages of encouragement and support and gratitude we've received via email, and that have accompanied your offerings and special Easter gifts. They are all so appreciated and taken to heart! . In the faith, hope and love of Christ,, Harrison+ YFNR p.s. Reminders for Christ Church's online worship:
April 10, 2020
Dear Hearts, Yesterday was the strangest Maundy Thursday I've ever experienced. Our Bible Study on Romans began with a hearty laugh as we we read "I consider that the sufferings of this present time ..." (8:18). We seldom experience a reading so pointedly speaking to our present circumstance. The noontime Reflections & Prayers with our Bishops, +Ian Douglas and +Laura Ahrens, was an inspiring addition to the day. They were recorded; you can still watch them by clicking here. Then the day departed from anything like our usual Maundy Thursday. Instead of leading worship here, I worshiped online with the evening service from Washington National Cathedral. My former D.C. colleague, the Rev. Jan Cope's, sermon had me in tears; the music was lovely throughout -- the closing chant of Psalm 88 particularly so, as the altar was stripped, the tabernacle emptied and the sanctuary lamp extinguished. And then I went back across the driveway into our familiar, now dark and empty, house of worship, and repeated those actions here, by myself. Jesus had been arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and taken away. Our Good Friday Vigil will take a simpler form this year, while still including Passion Chorales for organ that drive home a depth of feeling for the day as only music can. 1st Hour -- beginning at Noon, Liturgy of Good Friday 2nd Hour -- Silent Vigil before the Cross 2:15p.m. -- Passion Chorales for organ 3p.m. -- The Tower Bell will toll the death of Jesus. This service will be livestreamed on facebook.com/cecguilford and available later on YouTube, as will the 7p.m. offering of The Liturgy of Good Friday with hymns and organ. The service bulletins for the Noon-3p.m. Vigil is now available here; the bulletin for the 7p.m. Good Friday Liturgy will be available later today by clicking on the "printable PDF of our next service" link on our homepage here. Easter Prayers: Our Easter prayers typically include a remembrance of those who rejoice with us "on another shore and in a brighter light." Please send me names of those you would like to have remembered this Easter. Although donations are always welcome, members of the Finance Committee have provided for Easter flowers. Please also help shape Easter Sunday's Prayers of the People by sending me the people and concerns you would like included. This is the online version of the clipboard where you note people, concerns and thanksgivings for inclusion in our Sunday prayers. Please have these to me by 5p.m. on Holy Saturday. Our intercessions, remembrances and thanksgivings will be sent out on Easter Monday (that's my goal!) with any particulars you'd like to share; so, please be specific about what you're sharing just with me, and what you'd like to share with the rest of the parish. Digital Sunday School: An unexpected delight in our current situation, is the opportunity for all of us to go to Sunday School with Tyler Jarvis, our Director for Children's & Youth Ministry. Each week Tyler sends an invitation to Digital Sunday School to the whole parish. Though intended for families with youngsters, the rest of us can benefit by "overhearing" what Tyler is saying to them. Perhaps you know of a child who would enjoy participating in Digital Sunday School; if so, please forward Tyler's invitation to them. We don't want to "hide" this splendid offering. Llinks to the Digital Sunday School offerings for previous Sunday's are also available on our homepage here. Another inspirational offering for Holy Week and Easter are Ekklesia Contemporary Ballet's dances and reflections for each day's readings. You can find them here. Ekklesia had been scheduled to dance and lead a discussion with us during Coffee Hour on Palm Sunday. Physical-distancing cancelled that possibility; but these offerings almost make up for that missed opportunity. Wednesday Evening Prayers: Our livestream evening service of prayer and music on the past two Wednesdays have been a gift to me, and many of you, judging by your responses. We'll continue them April 15 at 7p.m. The service will again begin with the Order for Evening, but switch out the Great Litany for prayers more appropriate for Eastertide. An online bulletin will be available Wednesday morning. Thursday Morning Bible Study will continue this Thursday, April 16, 9:30-10:30a.m. on Zoom. We will complete our discussion of chapter 8 of Paul's Letter to the Romans -- which includes Paul's stirring proclamation that "nothing can separate us from the love of God." Certainly a welcome reality in our life during the Covid-19 pandemic. Here's the link to our online conversation: click here: Participation by telephone is also possible; I'll send the connection number on request. Mask making, is still going on with so many great people jumping in to help out. On Monday, our Outreach leader Rose Robinson wrote, "So far we have delivered 160 masks with another 70 or so out there being sewn ... We will continue to make these until the fabric, elastic, or the need runs out!! So far we have delivered to the Psych Facility, a VA doctor, Guilford Interfaith Ministries, and some senior citizens. Thanks to all who have participated in this endeavor......cutters, sewers, people donating fabric and elastic, people putting together kits, people driving to drop off kits and pick up completed masks, and those who have made monetary contributions. We've even had donations of gloves and purchased masks.." If you'd like to participate in this ministry, please be in touch with Rose Thanks to Palm Weekend Gardeners: Thanks to all who came and worked on a section of the parish's grounds last Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Your efforts made our house of worship look well-loved! Thanks to Alicia Bacon and Donna LaFata for organizing this effort. While we continue to maintain physical distancing, please feel free to schedule a bit of "garden therapy." Just call ahead during office hours, to be sure you'll be alone and that a debris bag is available for you. Thanks to all who are mailing in your offerings! God bless you, and may others be moved to follow your example! Although we are not meeting together in-person, the life of the Church continues online, in prayer, worship, education and service -- and in all the ways that support and maintain our common life. So, as you are able -- during the financial crisis caused by the need to mitigate the Covid-19 pandemic -- please continue your financial support of the parish by sending your offerings to Christ Church, PO Box 574, Guilford, CT 06437. Your offering will be presented at the altar; it will be physically present, even while you remain safely at home. And again, if you are sheltering-in-place and need assistance with picking up groceries or prescriptions, please be in touch with the Parish Office. Fellow parishioners would gladly do the go-fer-ing for you. .In the faith, hope and love of Christ,, Harrison+ YFNR p.s. Reminders for Christ Church's online worship:
April 7, 2020 Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy
but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was crucified: Mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen. Book of Common Prayer, p.220 & 272 Dear Hearts, Our prayers are asked for -- Kate S. -- receiving treatment Tracy M. -- recovering May they know the healing power of Christ's love. In thanksgiving for the 25th Wedding Anniversary of Pamela & Tom McGuigan who have decided "on a quiet celebration at home!" Send your blessing upon your servants, that their home may continue to be a haven of blessing & peace. Let us thank God for -- the splendid Vegetable Soup and Spaghetti Sauce with Meatballs prepared by Chef Antonio Greco which delighted so many of us last week! And for the gardeners who participated in our Parish-Garden-Clean-up-by-Appointment, organized by Alicia Bacon and Donna LaFata. We thank you for setting us at tasks that engage our best efforts, and for guiding us to accomplishments that satisfy and delight us. Please continue to hold in prayer: Carl, Winnie Z., Jim Rae; Jennifer, Robert & James; Carol L-U, Judy & Eddie G. and family, Sandy & Roy N., Madeline Hubbard, Kelly Gatto, Paul Dostie, Lois Sawtell, Hope Sperry, Bob van Marx, Kelly, Joanne Neel-Richard, Dave Kurcharski, Nancy Cairns, Fred Murphy, Margaret Smith, Philomena, Justin, Bob Augur, Jean, Virginia Maioriano, Florence Clark, Linda, Michael Sandrey Also: Linda Brouard, June Chittick, Charlie Koncz, Anne Christofferson, Mark Scott, Angela Goodfellow, Maria, Bob, Olivia, Lois, and Jo. Please also remember: St. Luke’s School & Church in Martel (Haiti) I spoke with its founder, the Rev. Sam Owen last week; all Haiti, including Martel, is closed because of the coronavirus pandemic. A check is being sent from the discretionary fund to help with the teachers' payroll for May. . To add names and concerns for next Sunday's intercessions, and this "Let Us Pray" letter, please send them to YFNR at [email protected] with any details you care to share. Names will then move to the "continuing" list for 30 days, and the longer term list upon request. Easter Prayers: Our Easter prayers typically include a remembrance of those who rejoice with us "on another shore and in a brighter light." Please send me names of those you would like to have remembered this Easter. Although donations are always welcome, members of the Finance Committee have provided for Easter flowers. Wednesday Evening Prayers Please join our livestream evening service of prayer and music on Wednesday, April 8 at 7p.m., The service will begin with the Order for Evening and continue with the Great Litany -- which the Prayer Book recommends as a separate devotion during Lent. An online bulletin will be available Wednesday morning. Thursday Morning Bible Study will continue this Thursday, April 9, 9:30-10:30a.m. on Zoom. We will continue our discussion of chapter 8 of Paul's Letter to the Romans -- sometimes called "the pinnacle of the New Testament." Here's the link to our online conversation: click here: Participation by telephone is also possible; I'll send the connection number on request. Maundy Thursday Reflections with our Bishops, +Ian Douglas and +Laura Ahrens will be offered from Noon to 12:30p.m. You can find them, and all the Episcopal Church in Connecticut's Holy Week offerings by clicking here, There are all sorts of online services being offered around the diocese, as well as from Washington National Cathedral and the Cathedral of St. John Divine. Our Good Friday Vigil will take a simpler form this year, while still including Passion Chorale Preludes for organ that drive home a depth of feeling for the day as only music can. 1st Hour -- beginning at Noon, Liturgy of Good Friday 2nd Hour -- Silent Vigil before the Cross 2:15p.m. -- Passion Chorale Preludes for organ 3p.m. -- The Tower Bell will toll the death of Jesus. This service will be livestreamed on facebook.com/cecguilford and available later on YouTube, as will the 7p.m. offering of The Liturgy of Good Friday with hymns and organ. Another inspirational offering for Holy Week are Ekklesia Contemporary Ballet's dances and reflections for each day's readings. You can find them here. Ekklesia had been scheduled to perform a dance and lead a discussion with us during Coffee Hour this past Sunday. Physical-distancing cancelled that possibility; but these offerings almost make up for that missed opportunity. I began with a prayer from the Liturgy of the Palms, and close here with another one. It addresses these upcoming three Holy Days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter, known collectively as the Triduum. Assist us mercifully with your help, O Lord God of our salvation, that we may enter with joy upon the contempation of those mighty acts, whereby you have given us life and immortality; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP, p. 270 And again, if you are sheltering-in-place and need assistance with picking up groceries or prescriptions, please be in touch with the Parish Office. Fellow parishioners would gladly do the go-fer-ing for you. . In the faith, hope and love of Christ,, Harrison+ YFNR p.s. Reminders for Christ Church's online worship:
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