Dear Hearts,
You won't believe all the useful and decorative things that have taken over the Parish Hall, driveway and the Rectory garage! Do plan to come by between 8:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. for The Tag Sale! Folks have been ever so busy organizing all sorts of merchandise; there is surely something here for which you have been looking! Thanks to all who worked yesterday afternoon and evening, and all day today to get all in readiness. Once you have checked out the Tag Sale, you will be a good position to get your apple crisp from the Civic Women's Fair on the Green, and then there's the Friends of the Library Book Sale at the other end of Park Street! Bring family and friends -- remember the proceeds from the Tag Sale will go towards continuing the Parish Hall improvements to better serve the parish and the larger community! The second phase of our "God's Call to Us -- Now & Into the Future" Parish Planning Process offers a final HomeGathering this Sunday, to consider: Support for Families with Children and Youth. (4:30 p.m. this Sunday, September 25, at the Ste. Maries' residence.) As with last year's first phase HomeGatherings, the second phase gatherings begin with a potluck of goodies appropriate to the time of day. Mix good food with fun and interesting people, and you have the recipe for a great time! The phase two gatherings focus on thoughtful considerations of a particular topic in our parish life. So far, the HomeGatherings have yielded productive discussions on our service to one another within the life of the Parish, sustaining the financial well-being of the parish, and outreach-service by the parish in the larger community. Details are on the parish web-site and in Senior Warden Pat Daunic's letter mailed to parish households on August 29th. If you are unable to attend a HomeGathering of particular interest to you, please mark the return postcard accordingly or just send a note to me by replying to this letter. The premiere of Andrew Doss's play was a hit during last week's Rectory Forum and Tuesday Supper! Andrew, our seminary-intern, led both groups through a reading of introductory material and opening scenes of Song of a Man Coming Through. The play keeps a promise Andrew's father made -- to tell the story of Earnest Knighton, Jr., as he grew into his baptismal identity and Christian community on death row. The next group of scenes will be read and discussed beginning at 9 a.m. Sunday morning over coffee and tea in the rectory living room; the same scenes will be featured in the reading and discussion at the Tuesday Supper, beginning at 6 p.m. in the rectory. There are two videos you will want to check out:
In faith and hope, Harrison+ YFNR p.s. I will be in back in Sewanee, TN, Wednesday through Friday this week to hear lectures by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, ++Rowan Williams. His lectures are on the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a leader of Lutheran opposition to Nazi tyranny. He was martyred in the last days of the Third Reich. If you have an opportunity to watch Ken Burns' latest documentary, "Defying the Nazis: The Sharps' War," I highly recommend it. It is the amazing story of a New England Unitarian pastor and his wife, who put their lives as risk saving hundreds of Jews and political leaders who opposed the Third Reich.
Dear Hearts, Folks continue to remark to me what a marvelous "Welcome Back Sunday" we shared! And I can only nod, agree, and thank everyone who made it so! Sunday School Director Laurie Varley posted a sign outside to Welcome Sunday School students and teachers, and was ready with juice and donuts for the children's Chapel Time at 9:30 a.m.! The Choir sounded marvelous on their return to the balcony -- and they looked sharp in their black & white "uniform" for hot and humid weather As promised, our first service ended in time to allow for participation in the Town's 9-11 Observance on the Green -- which was fitting, moving and uplifting. Our Welcome Back Picnic provided a tasty opportunity for adults to visit and children to play. Thanks go to Senior Warden Pat Daunic's preparations and the goodies you all brought to share, and the help you provided with set-up, serving and clean-up. Special thanks go to the Committee on Weather who provided a delightful breeze and a truly amazing break in the humidity! Also contributing to the enjoyment of the picnic was how terrific the Parish Grounds looked following the Saturday labors led by Junior Warden Susan Shackford! She had at least seven of us on our hands and knees enjoying the difference our efforts made! You can see some of us at work here. The "Welcome Back" continues this Sunday, September 18, as both the Rectory Forum and the Young Adults Program (Y.A.P.) begin their fall seasons. In the Y.A.P,, our High School students meet with Alex Diana in the Guild Room beginning at 9:30a.m.; their conversations (usually) conclude in time for the YAPper to hear the sermon in worship. The Rectory Forum will gather over coffee and tea again at 9a.m. Sunday mornings in the rectory living room. Our seminary-intern Andrew Doss will lead the Forum and theTuesday Suppers in reading and talking about his play, Song of a Man Coming Through. The play explores baptismal identity in a time of crisis for a man on death row. Perhaps, if we ask nicely, Andrew will also talk to us about the process of writing the play with father, getting it produced in New Orleans, and being awarded for 2015's Best Original Work staged in New Orleans. The Tuesday informal Suppers begin at 6 p.m. in the Rectory, followed by conversation led by Andrew; and we're on our way by 7:45 p.m. I'm very excited about this opportunity for us, and urge you to consider joining either the Sunday or Tuesday conversations with Andrew, as your schedule permits. The second phase of our "God's Call to Us -- Now & Into the Future" Parish Planning Process continues with Homegatherings this Sunday and next. As in last year's first phase Homegatherings, last weekends' combined wonderful hospitality with fun people! The phase two gatherings then focus on thoughtful considerations of each occasion's topic. Last week's productive discussions considered: our service to one another within the life of the Parish, and sustaining the financial well-being of the parish. This week's gatherings will lead to focused consideration of outreach-service by the parish in the larger community (Sunday, September 18, at noon), and support for families with children and youth (Sunday, September 25, at 4:30p.m.) Details are on the parish web-site and in Senior Warden Pat Daunic's letter mailed to parish households on August 29th. If you are unable to attend a HomeGathering of particular interest to you, please mark the return postcard accordingly or just send a note to me by replying to this letter. Items for the Tag Sale are now spilling from their own room to every shelf in the Middle School room, and threatening to overwhelm the rectory garage! Nonetheless, the Tag Sale leadership continues to welcome additional contributions of household goods, clothes and furniture -- all in good condition, please! The great hauling up, sorting and set-up begins on Thursday at 3 p.m., and continues all day Friday (9 a.m. - 7 p.m. or until it's all done). Your help would be most welcome then and for the Tag Sale itself on Saturday, September 23, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Questions? Please contact Rebecca Ervin via [email protected]. Do remember that the Tag Sale's goal is funding further enhancements of the Parish Hall to benefit both Christ Church and our larger community! In faith and hope, Harrison+ YFNR p.s. Because of my role as a judge of the floats in Saturday's Guilford Fair Parade, I won't be seated on the Rectory's front stoop. Look for me with the Rotary Club at the parade's conclusion. On Saturday, or when you next walk by the Rectory, you will want to take note of the Guilford Preservation Alliance's historical plaque by the front door. There wasn't room to include my wondering if Candace had once lived in the 18th century portion of the rectory. You can read about Candace in an interesting article about Harriet Beecher Stowe's Guilford roots. Dear Hearts,
Before getting into the events of Welcome Back Sunday, there is a bit of Saturday prep-work that would enhance our Sunday experience: Please consider stopping by Saturday morning, 9 a.m.- Noon, September 10, to help tidy up the parish grounds. A little weeding, raking or trimming in a spot of your choice, would help polish our grounds for Sunday's welcoming activities. Remember your gloves and tools; the parish's own will be available. This Sunday marks the return of our school-year Sunday Schedule: Sunday School and Middle School classes will meet, the Choir returns to the loft, and we will share our now-traditional Welcome Back Sunday BBQ and Potluck Picnic:
Last Sunday began the internship of seminarian Andrew Dosswith us. If you didn't meet Andrew last week, be sure and say hello to him this Sunday. Andrew, a friend of last year's seminary-intern Stephen Douglas', comes to us with an amazing array of gifts and experiences from the Diocese of Louisiana. Jane Ferrall has posted an introduction to Andrew on our parish web site; scroll down the page for Andrew's intro. Andrew will lead the opening fall sessions of the Sunday Rectory Forum and the Tuesday Supper Conversations. Among his many talents and experiences is that he is a published and produced playwright! And he will lead us in reading and talking about his play Song of a Man Coming Through, which he wrote with his father, and which was presented in New Orleans in 2015 -- winning an award for Best Original Work. The play explores baptismal identity in a time of crisis for a man on death row. Please join the conversation on Sunday mornings beginning September 18th at 9 a.m., or the parallel conversation on Tuesday evenings beginning September 20th at 6 p.m. Both meetings are in the Rectory. The first Homegatherings in the second phase of our "God's Call to Us -- Now & Into the Future" Parish Planning Process are this Friday and Saturday evenings at 6 p.m. In the homes of fellow parishioners, these gatherings will address our service to one another within the life of the Parish (Friday, at the Leonards'), and sustaining the financial well-being of the parish (Saturday, at the Cuddys'). Yet to come, outreach-service by the parish in the larger community (Sunday, September 18, at noon), and support for families with children and youth (Sunday, September 25, at 4:30 p.m.) Details are on the parish web-site and in Senior Warden Pat Daunic's letter mailed to parish households on August 29th. I look forward to beginning a terrific fall season with you! In faith and hope, Harrison+ YFNR |
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