“We hope people everywhere will light a candle and join us in prayer at this urgent moment in our national life,” Presiding Bishop Michael Curry said. “As people of faith, we believe in the power of prayer and the power of God’s love to heal a nation and change this world.”
Dear Hearts, Bishop Curry's statement above, comes from his invitation to join him and other faith and civic leaders in a service of prayer at 4p.m. on All Saints' Sunday, November 1, livestreamed from Washington National Cathedral. The announcement continues: "... the service will feature an ecumenical and multi-faith array of voices, musical offerings, and prayers designed to help the nation to confess, grieve, and hope as one. In addition to Bishop Curry’s sermon, the service will also include reflections from Father James Martin, a noted Roman Catholic author and commentator on American life and values; and Valarie Kaur, an inspiring Sikh filmmaker, author, and civil rights attorney." Further details are here. I hope you will put this service on your calendar. Our prayers are also asked for ---- All who are ill, including Philippe, Sheward and Shelly; for Ben and all who are contending with Covid-19 disease, and for all facing financial hardship because of the pandemic. May they all know the healing power of Christ's presence and love. For Tom & Diana, and all who are contending with the forest and wildfires in Colorado and California. Protect those who evacuate houses, and strengthen those who rebuild hope so that entire communities may face the future without fear. For the repose of Richard Snowden Andrews Jr.; and for Shirley & Paul Chaco and all whom we hold in blessed memory, and for the over 226,000 of our fellow citizens who have died of the coronavirus. Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord; may light perpetual shine upon them. Please continue to hold in prayer: Carol U, Kabir, Margaret S, Kate, Frank, Jack, Judy & Ed S, Michael M, Richard D, Dave K, Brian A, Jim & Annie, John, Joan G., Lois C., Winnie Z, Bernie and family, Susie & Paul, Pam McG, Julie H, Murray E., Brooke & family, Kate S., Tracy M., Carl, Michael S, Joanne N-R, Madeline H, and Kelly G, Also: Paul D, Susan S, Linda B, June C, Charlie K, Anne C, Mark S, Angela G, Maria, Bob, Olivia, Lois T, and Jo B. Please also remember: St. Luke’s School & Church in Martel (Haiti). To add names and concerns for Wednesday's and Sunday's intercessions, and this "Let Us Pray" letter, please send them to YFNR at [email protected] with any details you care to share. Names will then move to the "continuing" list for 30 days, and the longer term list upon request. All Saints' Day Prayers The Cathedral extended the deadline until tomorrow (Wednesday) for names of family members whose deaths have been hastened by Covid-19 disease. Those received by Sunday have already been submitted, but I'd gladly make additions. Please also continue to send names of those, especially those who have died within the last year, for our own commemoration of the saints in light this Sunday. Wednesday Evening Prayers this, Wednesday, October 28 at 7p.m. will remember the Apostles Simon & Jude, and our call to be "sent" into the world as witnesses to the love of God revealed in Jesus. ("apostles" are those who are sent.) You can join the livestream via www.facebook.com/cecguilford. You'll find the bulletin here. . Thursday Bible Study will turn to Genesis 39. Poor Joseph gets in big trouble in Potiphar's house. Join the conversation on Thursday, October 22, at 9:30a.m. Here's the Zoom link. And another thing... On Sunday, I shared former Senator John C. Danforth's 2005 op-ed, "Onward Moderate Christian Soldiers." Here's a link so that you can read it yourself. I had forgotten his powerful lines about how, given our human limitations, our attempts to fashion compassionate and just policies will always "fall short of the demands of faith." And yet, we're called to humbly persevere in fashioning "the earthen vessel of government." In addition to loving God, and therefore loving everything that God loves, "...the only absolute standard of behavior [in Holy Scripture] is the commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves. Repeatedly in the Gospels, we find that the Love Commandment takes precedence when it conflicts with laws." In the faith, hope and love of Christ, Harrison+ Your Friendly Neighborhood Rector
Getting Ready for All Saints' Sunday
Since this Sunday begins the last week of October, then next Sunday must be All Saints' Day -- the day when the whole Church affirms our unbroken fellowship with all the saints of every time and place. If there are particular saints whom you would like to have included in our remembrance next Sunday, especially those who have died within the past year, please send their names to me by replying to this message. The Episcopal Church in Connecticut is preparing a particular remembrance for those who have died of Covid-19 disease from across the Diocese; please indicate names that should be included there as well. A Quiet Halloween at 9 & 11 Park Street If next Sunday is All Saints' Day, then next Saturday, October 31, is All Hallows' Eve -- otherwise known as Halloween. Our Faith Formation team decided to forego our usual fun festivities this year. We're following our local and state guidelines. Nonetheless, if there's a goblin or princess in your home who needs another place to spook or dazzle at a distance, I'd be happy to greet them at the Rectory driveway door. Just let me know when to expect them! Post-Convention Conversations: The Episcopal Church in Connecticut Convention Eucharist, daily reflections by our Bishops, and the sessions themselves are all available on the ECCT website. The Convention's "World Cafe" discussions prompted "Next Step" conversations on how we -- in our parishes and regions, as well as a diocese, might address concerns around Economic Equity, Racial Justice, and Worship and other connections in our Livestream era. These continuing conversations are open to all interested Connecticut Episcopalians; details may be found here. Sunday Worship After last Sunday's Convention Worship with the rest of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, we will return to our parish 10a.m. livestreamed celebration of the Holy Eucharist with hymns, vocal and cello solos, and spiritual communion. As usual the service bulletin will be available here. Morning Prayer in the Garden will be offered at its usual9a.m. time and place. Please remember to bring a mask and a lawn chair, and to dress warmly. On recent Sundays, it has been very pleasant in the garden in the sun. Virtual Coffee Hour... is a great opportunity to see one another. So, join the conversation via Zoom this Sunday, October 25 by clicking this new link. If asked, the Meeting ID: 810 0548 8448, and Passcode: 925217 Digital Sunday School returns this week with Tyler Jarvis looking at leadership through the lens of stories about Moses and Jesus. I commend his short introductory video to children of all ages, along with the story presentations, the coloring pages (among my favorites), and his good questions for reflection. Outreach through Personal Care Bags: Our Outreach Team is joining with our ECW for a fall program to provide bags of personal care items for those on the margins. Following the pattern initiated by our ECW earlier this year, parishioners are invited to take a quart zip-lock bag and fill it with the personal care items on a provided shopping list. These bags will be available at the Garden Service, and during weekday office hours. The bags will be shared with those served by New Haven's Chapel-on-the-Green on a Sunday later this fall. Intercessory Prayer: Please send the people and concerns you would like included in the Prayers of the People. by replying to these announcements or the "Let us pray" message. Please consider this the digital version of the clip board on which names and concerns were written when we gathered for worship in the nave. SS. Simon & Jude -- for the Evening on Wednesday: On Wednesday, we'll observe the Church's commemoration of Saints Simon and Jude -- about whom very little is known other than they were apostles of Jesus. A helpful recollection as we approach All Saints' Day. Thursday Bible Study moves on to Genesis Chapters 39 for Joseph in Potiphar's household. Here's the link. In case your are asked: Meeting ID: 859 9654 1732 Passcode: 23389 Parish Directories and Estimate of Giving Cards: I hope that you have received your new Parish Directory and an Estimate of Giving Card for 2021. Thanks so much to the over 60 households who have already responded with their Estimate of Giving for our operating budget in 2021! If you haven't received a Parish Directory or a 2021 Estimate Card, please reply to this message. Thanks to all who are mailing in your offerings! Although our in-person connections remain limited, the routine of the parish continues amidst all the ways that support and maintain our common life. Thanks so much, for your faithfulness in fulfilling your giving estimate for 2020. Please continue your financial support of our common life by bringing your offering to the 9a.m. service in the Garden, or by sending your offerings to Christ Church, PO Box 574, Guilford, CT 06437. Your offering will be presented at the altar; it will be physically present, as you remain safely elsewhere. In the faith, hope and love of Christ, Harrison+ YFNR October 20, 2020
Judge eternal, throned in splendor, Lord of lords and king of kings, with thy living fire of judgment purge this land of bitter things; solace all its wide dominion with the healing of thy wings. Still the weary folk are pining for the hour that brings release, and the city's crowded clangor cries aloud for sin to cease; and the homesteads and the woodlands plead in silence for their peace. Hymn 596, verses 1 & 2, Hymnal 1982 Dear Hearts, A contemporary setting of this hymn's text served as the anthem for Sunday's Convention Eucharist for the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. The online "Brady Bunch" choral presentation was very cleverly done (and represented hours and hours and hours of work by our Cathedral's musical staff!) But it was the text that really grabbed me. There were tears. Of course it was appropriate for the feast of St. Luke the Physician with its reference to healing, but it also seemed to me to aptly describe our national situation today. I do hope that you participated in the 10a.m. Sunday service. The music was varied and lovely; Bishop Laura's sermon was an imaginative "conversation" with St. Luke; the visuals were a treat to the eye, and I found the Renewal of Baptismal Promises with the rest of the Diocese to be quite moving. In case you missed it, or would like to experience the service again, you can find it and other convention videos here. There will be more to say about the substance of convention another time. Meanwhile, strike a medal for your delegates -- Jennifer Huebner, Bill Cuddy and alternate Susan Pogue. The technological challenges of mastering massive Zoom meetings, and separate platforms for elections and routine voting -- and the necessary moving back and forth between them -- were massive. We did our best! Our prayers are also asked for ---- All who are ill, including Philippe and Sheward; and for all who are contending with Covid-19 disease, and for all facing financial hardship because of the pandemic. May they all know the healing power of Christ's presence and love. For the repose of parishioners Ella Marks and Richard Andrews, and for the over 220,000 of our fellow citizens, who have died of the coronavirus. Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord; may light perpetual shine upon them. Let us offer prayers of thanksgiving for the birthday of Frances P, and Harriet S (belatedly) Bless your servants as they begin another year, may they continue to grow in wisdom and grace. And let us offer our thanksgivings for the 37th wedding anniversary of Rose & Chris Robinson. May their home continue to be a haven of blessing and peace. Please continue to hold in prayer: Carol U, Kabir, Margaret S, Kate, Frank, Jack, Judy & Ed S, Michael M, Richard D, Dave K, Brian A, Jim & Annie, John, Joan G., Lois C., Winnie Z, Bernie and family, Susie & Paul, Pam McG, Julie H, Murray E., Brooke & family, Kate S., Tracy M., Carl, Michael S, Joanne N-R, Madeline H, and Kelly G, Also: Paul D, Susan S, Linda B, June C, Charlie K, Anne C, Mark S, Angela G, Maria, Bob, Olivia, Lois T, and Jo B. Please also remember: St. Luke’s School & Church in Martel (Haiti). To add names and concerns for Wednesday's and Sunday's intercessions, and this "Let Us Pray" letter, please send them to YFNR at [email protected] with any details you care to share. Names will then move to the "continuing" list for 30 days, and the longer term list upon request. Wednesday Evening Prayers this, Wednesday, October 21 at 7p.m. will be our own commemoration of St Luke Physician. St. Paul refers to Luke as "the beloved physician" in Colossians 4.14. So our prayers will be a Litany for Healing. Our hymns will also ring the changes on Luke's ministry as an Evangelist -- tradition credits him with both the Gospel according to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. You can join the livestream via www.facebook.com/cecguilford. The bulletin will contain a biographical sketch; you'll find it here. Thursday Bible Study will return to the beginning of the Joseph saga in Genesis 37 and 39. Things are not looking good for poor Joseph. Join the conversation on Thursday, October 22, at 9:30a.m. Here's the Zoom link. "Those who sing pray twice," said St. Augustine. Which compounds the pain of our current situation, in which it isn't safe for us to sing together. However, if you walked under the Rectory windows during last Sunday's Convention Eucharist, you could have heard me singing at full voice. I recommend this practice to you, and also commend the final verse from "Judge eternal." Note the reference to "the richness of thy word." it's Luke who passes along several of Jesus' great parables. Crown, O God, thine own endeavor; cleave our darkness with thy sword; feed all those who do not know thee with the richness of thy word; cleanse the body of this nation through the glory of the Lord. Hymn 596, verse 3, Hymnal 1982 In the faith, hope and love of Christ, Harrison+ Your Friendly Neighborhood Rector For Convention Sunday:
20th Sunday after Pentecost, October 18, 2020 Livestream on YouTube Link
The Annual Convention of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut concludes Sunday, October 18 with a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 10a.m. Here's the YouTube link. Here's where to download the worship bulletin. The service will come from a variety of locations, including a choir drawn from across the diocese. (These "Brady Bunch" anthems are very time-intensive creations!), a performance by the Ekklesia Ballet Company, and an offering by the Cathedral's string quartet. Bishop Suffragan Laura Ahrens will preach. Bishop Ian Douglas will preside at the Eucharist and Spiritual Communion. Convention worship is usually the reward for sitting through the not-so inspiring portions of convention. This year the whole diocese gets to enjoy being together! The offering received online at the Convention Eucharist will support ECCT's "Building the Beloved Community" anti-racism initiative, part of a larger "Joining Jesus" campaign. Morning Prayer in the Garden will be offered at its usual 9a.m. time and place. This will be the only worship arising specifically from our space this Sunday. Please remember to bring a mask and a lawn chair. Virtual Coffee Hour... will be an opportunity to ask questions about convention generally and the Convention Eucharist specifically, or whatever else is on your mind. It's also a great opportunity to see one another. So, join the conversation via Zoom this Sunday, October 18 by clicking this new link. If asked, the Meeting ID: 810 0548 8448, and Passcode: 925217 Sunday School Families will meet in the Garden this Sunday, October 18, at 2p.m. for fellowship, fun, snacks (of course!) and a Bible Story discussion led by Children & Youth Ministries Director Tyler Jarvis. Like many of you, I always learn something from Tyler's Bible storytelling. And I find his joy in the telling to be infectious (not a bad thing in this connection!) Tyler has asked that we let him know if we are coming so that he can have enough snacks. You can reach him here. Outreach through Personal Care Bags: Our Outreach Team is joining with our ECW for a fall program to provide bags of personal care items for those on the margins. Following the pattern initiated by our ECW earlier this year, parishioners are invited to take a quart zip-lock bag and fill it with the personal care items on a provided shopping list. These bags will be available at the Garden Service, the Sunday School afternoon event, and during weekday office hours. The bags will be shared with those served by New Haven's Chapel-on-the-Green on a Sunday evening later this fall. Intercessory Prayer: Please send the people and concerns you would like included in the Prayers of the People. by replying to these announcements or the "Let us pray" message. Please consider this the digital version of the clip board on which names and concerns were written when we gathered for worship in the nave. St. Luke -- Order for the Evening on Wednesday: Although the Church's annual occasion to celebrate the life and witness of St. Luke the Evangelist is October 18, we will transfer that observance to our Order for Evening on Wednesday. Thursday Bible Study moves on to Genesis Chapters 37 and 39 for the beginning of the Joseph saga. Here's the link. In case your are asked: Meeting ID: 859 9654 1732 Passcode: 233895 Parish Directories and Estimate of Giving Cards: I hope that you received your new Parish Directory and an Estimate of Giving Card for 2021. Thanks so much to the almost 60 households who have already responded with their Estimate of Giving for our operating budget in 2021! If you haven't received Parish Directory or a 2021 Estimate Card, please reply to this message. Thanks to your help, needed updates have already been made to the Directory; if your contact information needs to be edited, please send a message to our Parish Administrator Donna Tafel at [email protected] Thanks to all who are mailing in your offerings! Although our in-person connections remain limited, the routine of the parish continues amidst all the ways that support and maintain our common life. Thanks so much, for your faithfulness in fulfilling your giving estimate for 2020. Please continue your financial support of our common life by bringing your offering to the 9a.m. service in the Garden, or by sending your offerings to Christ Church, PO Box 574, Guilford, CT 06437. Your offering will be presented at the altar; it will be physically present, as you remain safely elsewhere. In the faith, hope and love of Christ, Harrison+ YFNR October 13, 2020
Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in Connecticut for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For a Church Convention, BCP. p. 818 Dear Hearts, I ask your prayers for the Annual Convention of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut this week. It will be a new experience for me and your delegates -- Jennifer Huebner, Bill Cuddy and alternate Susan Pogue. The meetings will be via an enormous Zoom connection for two and one-half hours each day, Wednesday-Saturday. The concluding Convention Eucharist, will be our Sunday livestream worship. For me, the Convention Eucharist is an inpsiring reward for sitting through hours of meetings: the music is great, Bishop Laura usually preaches, there's something in the prayers that tugs on my heart, and you a sense for participating with the larger Church. Clicking here will take you to the Convention schedule; then if you click on Sunday, the YouTube link will be live on Sunday at 10a.m. Our prayers are also asked for ---- All who are ill, including Carol U, Kabir, and Margaret S, and for all who are contending with Covid-19 disease, and for all facing financial hardship because of the pandemic. May they all know the healing power of Christ's presence and love. For the repose of Roy Ervin, and for the over 215,000 of our fellow citizens, who have died of the coronavirus. Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord; may light perpetual shine upon them. Let us offer prayers of thanksgiving for the birthday of Kasha K, Jean M, and Annie R, Bless your servants as they begin another year, may they continue to grow in wisdom and grace. Please continue to hold in prayer: Claire, Kate, Frank, Jack, Judy & Ed S, Michael M, Richard D, Dave K, Brian A, Jim & Annie, John, Joan G., Lois C., Winnie Z, Bernie and family, Susie & Paul, Pam McG, Julie H, Murray E., Brooke & family, Kate S., Tracy M., Carl, Michael S, Joanne N-R, Madeline H, and Kelly G, Also: Paul D, Susan S, Linda B, June C, Charlie K, Anne C, Mark S, Angela G, Maria, Bob, Olivia, Lois T, and Jo B. Please also remember: St. Luke’s School & Church in Martel (Haiti). To add names and concerns for Wednesday's and Sunday's intercessions, and this "Let Us Pray" letter, please send them to YFNR at [email protected] with any details you care to share. Names will then move to the "continuing" list for 30 days, and the longer term list upon request. Wednesday Evening Prayers will continue, Wednesday, October at 7p.m. with a commemoration of Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky, Bishop of Shanghai. You can join the livestream via www.facebook.com/cecguilford. The bulletin will contain a biographical sketch; you'll find it earlier Wednesday here. What's missing is that after retiring, the Bishop lived for a time in Sewanee, and continued his translations of the Bible and Prayer Book into Chithere. Thursday Bible Study will step away from the Joseph saga for Genesis 38 -- the R-rated story of Tamar. She is one of the women in the Old Testament who speaks for herself. Join the conversation on Thursday, October 15, at 9:30a.m. Here's the Zoom link. Prayers for the Election I hope that prayer is part of your plan for how you will participate in the upcoming election. Prayer is one way to deal with the anxiety raised by the election and the events surrounding it. As the Bishop of Washington, +Mariann Edgar Budde recently wrote: "Prayers are not passive. When we pray for the nation, as for anything else, we bring into our conscious thought an awareness of God’s presence, listening for the voice of God calling us to realize our part in bringing about good. In prayer, as a friend of mine likes to say, “We give God more to work with.” Through our prayers, we place ourselves at God’s disposal. We step up to the plate in whatever ways our lives allow." Our Presiding Bishop, +Michael Curry will host a service of prayer on the Sunday before the election, November 1 at 4p.m. from Washington National Cathedral. Please consider making that special service part of you election participation plan. In the meantime, ... Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of officials and representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP, p.822 In the faith, hope and love of Christ, Harrison+ Your Friendly Neighborhood Rector October 6, 2020
Most High, omnipotent, good Lord, to thee be ceaseless praise out-poured, and blessing without measure. Let creatures all give thanks to thee, and serve in great humility. St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) Hymnal 1940, #406, verse 8 Dear Hearts, Although the Church's annual occasion to celebrate the life and witness of St. Francis is October 4, we are transferring that observance to our Order for Evening this Wednesday. Because of the pandemic, a Saturday morning Blessing of the Animals will not be offered on the Green this year. However, if you would send me the name of your cat, dog, gerbil, or pet llama, I'll include them all in the prayers on Wednesday evening. Just reply to this message. In his day, Francis was a troublemaker. He worked to heal the sick, care for all created beings, and make peace among enemies. Then, as now, such efforts for the poor and the powerless often put Francis at odds with the conventional wisdom of his day, and with powerful personages -- including the Pope. His peacemaking efforts in 1219 with the Sultan of Egypt are credited with ending support for the Crusades. Our prayers are also asked for ---- All who are ill, including Carol U, Chloe, Kabir, and Margaret S, and for the President, First Lady, their colleagues, and all others contending with Covid-19 disease, and for all facing financial hardship because of the pandemic. May they all know the healing power of Christ's presence and love. For the over 210,000 of our fellow citizens, who have died of the coronavirus. Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord; may light perpetual shine upon them. Let us offer prayers of thanksgiving for the birthday of Mark Rehnstrom Bless your servant as he begins another year, may he continue to grow in wisdom and grace. Please continue to hold in prayer: Claire, Kate, Frank, Jack,Judy & Ed S, Michael M, Richard D, Dave K, Brian A, Jim & Annie, John, Joan G., Lois C., Winnie Z, Bernie and family, Susie & Paul, Pam McG, Julie H, Murray E., Brooke & family, Kate S., Tracy M., Carl, Michael S, Joanne N-R, Madeline H, and Kelly G, Also: Paul D, Susan S, Linda B, June C, Charlie K, Anne C, Mark S, Angela G, Maria, Bob, Olivia, Lois T, and Jo B. Please also remember: St. Luke’s School & Church in Martel (Haiti). To add names and concerns for Wednesday's and Sunday's intercessions, and this "Let Us Pray" letter, please send them to YFNR at [email protected] with any details you care to share. Names will then move to the "continuing" list for 30 days, and the longer term list upon request. Wednesday Evening Prayers will continue, Wednesday, October at 7p.m. with a commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi. You can join the livestream via www.facebook.com/cecguilford Thursday Bible Study is now on the bridge between the Jacob saga and the Joseph saga. We continue this Thursday, October 8, at 9:30a.m. We''ll talk about Genesis chapters 35 and 37. Here's the Zoom link. Notes from Consecration Sunday Despite problem-free tests on Friday and Saturday, our new livestream platform screwed up big-time on Sunday morning -- except for the sermon and blessing from Fr. Steve Huber. I'll let Mark Sullivan explain the issues that cropped up. In case you missed them, you can find the terrific sermon, blessing, and Leila's wonderful rendition of "Every time I feel the Spirit," by clicking here. Thanks to the Vestry hosts for the Open House, for Senior Warden Susan Leonard's organizing the tasty shortbread treats, and Marsha Brown for providing the splendid floral decorations. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing the afternoon and the rectory with you. You were very kind to not mention -- yikes -- the unfolded laundry on my bed!, Thanks also to those of you who are sending in your Estimates-of-Giving for 2021. Whether delivered in person or via mail, they'll all make their way over the altar, and we'll recall together Fr. Steve's closing blessing: Abundant God, you made us in your image and breathed in us a spirit of generosity that is both a gift and our response. Move us, we pray, to give as we have received -- abundantly, generously, and joyfully -- that our common ministry as Christ Church, Guilford may ever bear witness to your unfailing grace. In the name of the Three in whom we are One, Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Amen. from the Diocese of Washington In the faith, hope and love of Christ, Harrison+ Your Friendly Neighborhood Rector |
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