7th Sunday of Easter, May 29:
In the Wake of Uvalde and Buffalo ... ... the Shoreline Interfaith Clergy invite the community to Come Together in Peace to open a space of lament, prayer, song, and action at 2p.m. Sunday, May 29 on the front steps of the First Congregational Church of Madison, 26 Meeting House Lane. In case of rain, the gathering will move inside the church. A Witness Stone for Pompey, the "last known slave in Guilford," will be installed in a ceremony led by students from Elizabeth Adams Middle School on Friday, June 3, beginning at 9a.m. on the Green. Pompey was a carpenter who quite literally helped build Guilford. YFNR will offer an invocation. Ekklesia Ballet's Body & Land will culminate in an "Exhibition for Eco-Justice" with events June 4-12 at Christ Church Cathedral in Hartford. More information and registration are available here. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and other church leaders offered prayerful and practical responses to the May 24, 2022, mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas which you can find here. Our Bishops Ian Douglas and Laura Ahrens in their message note the painful similarities between the shootings in Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 and in Robb Elementary School almost ten years later. They remind us that prayer prepares us for action. A Message from Will Parker: "After much prayer and discernment, I've realized I will need the time and flexibility next year to pursue my music career full-time. It's been a true joy working with the youth of Christ Church this year, and I know I will miss [being Youth Mentor] next year, but I know I need to honor where God is calling me to put my time and energy." I'm very grateful to Will for his ministry with our young people during the 2021-22 academic year. As sorry as I was to receive his decision, it is hard to argue with someone seeking to honor God's call in his life. Faith Formation will be advising on next steps. Harrison+ Our "Journey Through the Bible" continues on Thursdays. Participants decided to return to an earlier pattern of reading passages together and then discussing them. We've started Chapter 23, "Be Doers of the Word." Feel free to join the conversation about the Letters of James and to the Hebrews, Thursday at 9:30a.m. Click here for the Zoom. Although Cecelia Parker's Internship with us has concluded, and we said our official farewells on Sunday, May 22, it's not too late to participate in a "purse" for Cecelia. Donations may be included with Sunday offerings or delivered to the Parish Office. Please make checks payable to Christ Church, with "Cecelia" on the memo line. An ECCT Network is organizing for participation in the Poor People's Campaign: Moral March on Washington, on June 21st. Buses have been reserved, including departure and return to New Haven. Details and registration are available here. Special Requests from the Guilford Food Bank The Food Bank requests help with the items below. Please leave your donations in the bin by the the north (Town Hall-side) door to the Narthex. Thanks for helping our neighbors in need. Baked beans, Canned tomatoes, Pasta Sauce, Cooking oil, Household cleaner, Laundry detergent, Paper towels, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Muffin mix, White rice Communion in "Both Kinds" Has Returned During Eastertide we have returned to offering the option to receive the consecrated wine at communion. Worshipers may take a sip from the shared chalice, or from an individual communion glass. To avoid crowding, the administration of communion continues at the foot of the chancel steps. Our Bishops strongly urge us to continue refraining from intinction as we have practiced it -- note the 7th paragraph here. They also underscore that receiving in "one kind" is full communion. Need an Antigen Test? The Town provided Christ Church with a case of COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests. These tests are available on a first-come, first-served basis on the Ushers' Table and in the rectory entry hall. Mask Protocols ... ... in Worship: Mask-wearing is optional during inside gatherings of Christ Church. ... in Sunday School: Following the practice in the Guilford Public Schools, mask-wearing is optional -- always exercising special concern for any who are vulnerable. Intercessory Prayer: Please help shape the Prayers of the People, by replying to this message with the people, birthdays, anniversaries, and concerns you would like included in the Prayers of the People.
Special Electing Convention ...
for the XVIth Bishop Diocesan of Connecticut is scheduled to convene at 11a.m. May 21, in the CT Convention Center in Hartford and online. You can follow the Convention on the Episcopal Church in CT's YouTube channel here. That same link also provides access to recordings of the six Meet & Greet events, May 9-14. Each nominee has a page with a photo, introduction and video, plus links to their resume and a sermon preached in/for their parish/cathedral; at the bottom of their page are their responses to five essay questions put to them all. Please click on the nominee's name to be taken to their respective page. They are the Reverend clergy Glenna Huber, Jeffrey Mello, Kate Morehead, Tanya Wallace, and Whitney Altopp Please keep the nominees, the Electing Convention including Christ Church clergy and delegatesBob Donahue and Susan Pogue in your prayers. Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in a Special Convention to elect a Bishop Diocesan for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. "A Musical Vigil for Peace Benefiting Ukraine" will be hosted by the First Church of Madison, on Saturday, May 21, at 8p.m. The quintet "Kyrie" includes voice, strings and organ. Although Cecelia Parker's Internship with us has concluded, she plans to be with us for worship on Sunday, May 22. If you would like to participate in a "purse" for Cecelia, donations may be included with Sunday offerings or delivered to the Parish Office. Please make checks payable to Christ Church, with "Cecelia" on the memo line. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry released a hearfelt statement about last Saturday's malicious shooting in the neighborhood of Buffalo, NY, in which he grew up. Our Bishops Ian Douglas and Laura Ahrens also sent a message decrying the apparent racial motivation for this mass shooting. Our "Journey Through the Bible" continues on Thursdays. Participants decided to return to an earlier pattern of reading passages together and then discussing them. After a wrap-up conversation about St. Paul, the Thursday group will move into Chapter 23, "Doers of the Word." Feel free to join the conversation Thursday at 9:30a.m. Click here for the Zoom. An ECCT Network is organizing for participation in the Poor People's Campaign: Moral March on Washington, on June 21st. Buses have been reserved, including departure and return to New Haven. Details and registration are available here. Special Requests from the Guilford Food Bank The Food Bank requests help with the items below. Please leave your donations in the bin by the the north (Town Hall-side) door to the Narthex. Thanks for helping our neighbors in need. Baked beans, Canned tomatoes, Pasta Sauce, Cooking oil, Household cleaner, Laundry detergent, Paper towels, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Muffin mix, White rice Communion in "Both Kinds" Has Returned On Easter Sunday we again began offering the option to receive the consecrated wine at communion. Worshipers may take a sip from the shared chalice, or from an individual communion glass. To avoid crowding, the administration of communion continues at the foot of the chancel steps. Our Bishops strongly urge us to continue refraining from intinction as we have practiced it -- note the 7th paragraph here. They also underscore that receiving in "one kind" is full communion. Need an Antigen Test? The Town provided Christ Church with a case of COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests. These tests are available on a first-come, first-served basis on the Ushers' Table and in the rectory entry hall. Mask Protocols ... ... in Worship: Mask-wearing is optional during inside gatherings of Christ Church. ... in Sunday School: Following the practice in the Guilford Public Schools, mask-wearing is optional -- always exercising special concern for any who are vulnerable. \ Intercessory Prayer: Please help shape the Prayers of the People, by replying to this message with the people, birthdays, anniversaries, and concerns you would like included in the Prayers of the People. 5th Sunday of Easter, May 15:
Pastoral News: Barbara "Bobbi" Sobran DeBruyn died in her sleep on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. She was with us in worship last Sunday, and had socialized and gone for a walk Wednesday evening. Service arrangements are pending. On Saturday, May 14, we will give thanks for the life and witness of Patricia Groves Pitkin Chapman, at 11a.m. Pat died in Florida in February. May they rest in peace and rise in glory. Meet & Greet Bishop Nominees Online Opportunities to "Meet & Greet" the nominees for Bishop Diocesan of Connecticut continue May 13 and 14. You can find the links to watch these and earlier Meet & Greets online here. Learn about the nominees here. Please keep this process, the nominees -- The Reverend clergy Glenna Huber, Jeffrey Mello, Kate Morehead, Tanya Wallace, and Whitney Altopp -- and the Electing Convention in your prayers. Christ Church will be represented at the May 21st Special Election Convention by parish clergy, Delegate Bob Donahue, and Alternate Susan Pogue standing in for Delegate Gabrielle Johnson who cannot attend. I'm inviting them to join me in conversation with you during Coffee Hour on May 15 and in a Zoom chat on Monday, May 16, to hear your reactions, thoughts and questions. Growing Hope: Forging Peace Events at Camp Washington May 13-14, Youth Event for middle and high school students Youth are gathering at Camp for an evening of engaging conversation with keynote speaker, Shane Claiborne, beating guns into garden tools around the forge, group art projects, and time to chill and talk around the campfire. Saturday morning includes breakfast & time to wrap up our work from Friday night, as we welcome the larger community to join us for a day of testimony, reflection, experience, and action. See HERE for more information or to register. May 14, All Ages Event for God's Folk Weary of Gun Violence We will gather around the forges as we transform guns into gardening tools and art, and hear from victims and survivors of gun violence, as well as, Shane Claiborne- our keynote speaker, who will offer words of change. Thoughtful conversations will address mental health, safe gun storage and suicide prevention. We will offer our hurts, hopes and dreams to God in song and worship, and end our day with a picnic lunch. Further details and registration are available here. "A Musical Vigil for Peace Benefiting Ukraine" will be hosted by the First Church of Madison, on Saturday, May 21, at 8p.m. The quintet "Kyrie" includes voice, strings and organ. Our "Journey Through the Bible" continues only on Thursdays. Monday evening conversations concluded May 9th. Our Thursday morning conversations have returned to an earlier pattern of reading passages together and then discussing them; so the Thursday group, is still in Chapter 22, "Grace May Abound." Feel free to join the conversations on Monday at 7p.m., and Thursday at 9:30a.m. Click here for the Zoom. Special Requests from the Guilford Food Bank The Food Bank requests help with the items below. Please leave your donations in the bin by the the north (Town Hall-side) door to the Narthex. Thanks for helping our neighbors in need. Baked beans, Canned tomatoes, Pasta Sauce, Cooking oil, Household cleaner, Laundry detergent, Paper towels, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Muffin mix, White rice Communion in "Both Kinds" Has Returned As previously announced, on Easter Sunday we began offering the option to receive the consecrated wine at communion. Worshipers may take a sip from the shared chalice, or from an individual communion glass. To avoid crowding, the administration of communion continues at the foot of the chancel steps. Our Bishops strongly urge us to continue refraining from intinction as we have practiced it -- note the 7th paragraph here. They also underscore that receiving in "one kind" is full communion. Need an Antigen Test? The Town provided Christ Church with a case of COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests. These tests are available on a first-come, first-served basis on the Ushers' Table and in the rectory entry hall. Mask Protocols ... ... in Worship: Mask-wearing became optional during inside gatherings of Christ Church beginning March 24. This was on the recommendation of our Worship Options Group adopted by the Vestry as they followed developments closely including this guidance from Bishops Douglas and Ahrens beginning in the third paragraph. ... in Sunday School: Following the practice in the Guilford Public Schools, mask-wearing is optional -- always exercising special concern for any who are vulnerable. Intercessory Prayer: Please help shape the Prayers of the People, by replying to this message with the people, birthdays, anniversaries, and concerns you would like included in the Prayers of the People. 4th Sunday of Easter, May 8:
Good Shepherd Sunday & Mother's Day Poetry Retreat for Eastertide ... ... will be offered Saturday, May 7 from 1:30-3:30p.m. in the Parish Hall We will explore Easter themes through poems curated by Cecelia Parker. All are invited to reflect on the hope of new and Risen Life offered in The Resurrection, as well as the lower-case resurrections in our lives. The 4th Sunday of Easter is always Good Shepherd Sunday. We pray the 23rd Psalm, and read Jesus identifying himself as a shepherd in a portion of the 10th chapter of the Gospel according to John. Being the second Sunday in May, the 8th is also Mother's Day. Thanks to the participation of many, our ECW is placing roses on the altar to honor and remember women significant ton our lives, individually and as a parish. They, too, are/were shepherds to us after the pattern of Jesus. Meet & Greet Bishop Nominees This Week Opportunities to "Meet & Greet" the nominees are scheduled across Connecticut starting Monday, May 9 through Saturday, May 14. You can find the links to watch online or register to attend on site here. You can learn about the nominees here. Four were nominated by the Bishop Transition Committee, and one was added by petition. Please keep this process, the nominees -- The Reverend clergy Glenna Huber, Jeffrey Mello, Kate Morehead, Tanya Wallace, and Whitney Altopp -- and the Committee in your prayers. Christ Church will be represented at the Special Convention to elect our next Bishop Diocesan by parish clergy, Delegate Bob Donahue, and Alternate Susan Pogue standing in for Delegate Gabrielle Johnson who cannot attend. I'm inviting them to join me in conversation with you during Coffee Hour on May 15 and in a Zoom chat on Monday, May 16, to hear your reactions, thoughts and questions. Women's Reproductive Health & the Episcopal Church In the event that the leaked draft of Justice Alito's opinion in the case from Mississippi, has you wondering about the Church's teaching with regard to Women's Reproductive Health, it is summarized here. This is a classic Anglican example of the Church seeking a middle way: to both honor the sacredness of human life, and to respect the dignity of women making informed healthcare decisions. Growing Hope: Forging Peace Events at Camp Washington May 13-14, Youth Event for middle and high school students Youth will gather at Camp for an evening of engaging conversation with our keynote speaker, Shane Claiborne, beating guns into garden tools around the forge, group art projects, and time to chill and talk around the campfire. Saturday morning includes breakfast & time to wrap up our work from Friday night, as we welcome the larger community to join us for a day of testimony, reflection, experience, and action. See HERE for more information or to register. May 14, All Ages Event for God's Folk Weary of Gun Violence We will gather around the forges as we transform guns into gardening tools and art, and hear from victims and survivors of gun violence, as well as, Shane Claiborne- our keynote speaker, who will offer words of change. Thoughtful conversations will address mental health, safe gun storage and suicide prevention. We will offer our hurts, hopes and dreams to God in song and worship, and end our day with a picnic lunch. Further details and registration are available here. Our "Journey Through the Bible" Continues We are still on "The Path" through the Epistles, but our conversations have diverged. Our Monday evening conversations will conclude on May 9th with Chapter 24, "The Alpha & the Omega" and the Epilogue. Our Thursday morning conversation has returned to an earlier pattern of reading passages together and then discussing them; so the Thursday group, is still in Chapter 22, "Grace May Abound," or as one participant called it, "Paul's Greatest Hits." Feel free to join the conversations on Monday at 7p.m., and Thursday at 9:30a.m. Click here for the Zoom. Copies of The Path are available on the Ushers' Table and the Rectory Entry Hall shelf. Special Requests from the Guilford Food Bank The Food Bank requests help with the items below. Please leave your donations in the bin by the the north (Town Hall-side) door to the Narthex. Thanks for helping our neighbors in need. Baked beans, Canned tomatoes, Pasta Sauce, Cooking oil, Household cleaner, Laundry detergent, Paper towels, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Muffin mix, White rice Communion in "Both Kinds" Has Returned As previously announced, on Easter Sunday we began offering the option to receive the consecrated wine at communion. Worshipers may take a sip from the shared chalice, or from an individual communion glass. To avoid crowding, the administration of communion continues at the foot of the chancel steps. Our Bishops strongly urge us to continue refraining from intinction as we have practiced it -- note the 7th paragraph here. They also underscore that receiving in "one kind" is full communion. Need an Antigen Test? The Town provided Christ Church with a case of COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests. These tests are available on a first-come, first-served basis on the Ushers' Table and in the rectory entry hall. Mask Protocols ... ... in Worship: Mask-wearing became optional during inside gatherings of Christ Church beginning March 24. This was on the recommendation of our Worship Options Group adopted by the Vestry as they followed developments closely including this guidance from Bishops Douglas and Ahrens beginning in the third paragraph. ... in Sunday School: Following the practice in the Guilford Public Schools, mask-wearing is optional -- always exercising special concern for any who are vulnerable. Intercessory Prayer: Please help shape the Prayers of the People, by replying to this message with the people, birthdays, anniversaries, and concerns you would like included in the Prayers of the People. |
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