Diane Kyle's Farewell
Sunday July 31st is the day for us to send Diane Kyle off to Virginia Theological Seminary with our prayers and support. We are collecting both cards and a purse for Diane; checks may be made out to Christ Church with Diane's name in the memo line. Beating Guns: Hope for People who are Weary of Violence will begin Wednesday, Aug. 10th and meet every other week for four weeks at 6:30p.m.: Aug 10, 24, Sept. 7 and 21. Haven’t signed up yet; you’re not too late! We’ll meet in the rectory living room where there is AC. Only two books remain available in the rectory entry hall for $15 each. Tag Sale News: Be sure to have Saturday, September 24, 8:30AM to 3PM on your calendar; to that add the opening reception on Friday, September 23 hosted by the Vestry. At the reception, you'll have a first chance to review and purchase sale items for a $10 entry. Donations of like-new housewares are now being received on Sundays during service times and Tuesdays-Thursday, 10AM-2PM in the former Nursery. Co-chairs Rose Robinson and Patti Kron welcome your participation. Official News from the Lambeth Conference can be found here and here. For those on Facebook, YFNR recommends the posts from Bishop Laura Ahrens, Bishop Audrey Scanlan (Central PA, formerly priest and Bishops' Staff in CT) and our Bishop-elect Jeffrey Mello, who was invited to Lambeth once he received the consents needed for his consecration from dioceses across the Episcopal Church. They are sharing great photos and personal reflections. The Lambeth Conference draws the Bishops of the Anglican Communion together for prayer, fellowship, deep conversation, and reflection on "God's Church for God's World." The Archbishop of Canterbury's London home, Lambeth Palace, can no longer accommodate the Conference; so it now meets at the University of Kent and the Cathedral in Canterbury. Parish Transitions Although the process won't begin until after Fr. Harrison's retirement in September, preparations for clergy supply and oversight of the parish's life are underway. Please contact Wardens Susan Leonard and Michael Haggans or Vestry Members Bet Cummiskey, Beth Brause, Lisa Ste. Marie, Sandy Beatty, Virginia Syombathy, Sheward Hagerty, Caroline Herrick, Rob Hutchison, Cindy McNamara, Janice Novak, or Tony Leonard with your questions or concerns. Look for a communication Tuesday morning, and more news in the August newletter. Special Requests from the Guilford Food Bank The Food Bank requests help with the items below. Please leave your donations in the bin by the the north (Town Hall-side) door to the Narthex. Thanks for helping our neighbors in need. Black tea, Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Hot chocolate(mix), Sugar, Canned tomatoes, Household cleaner, Laundry detergent, Paper towels Communion in "Both Kinds" continues We currently provide two options for receiving the consecrated wine at communion. Worshipers may take a sip from the shared chalice, or from an individual communion glass. To avoid crowding, the administration of communion continues at the foot of the chancel steps. Our Bishops strongly urge us to continue refraining from intinction as we have practiced it -- note the 7th paragraph here. They also underscore that receiving in "one kind" is full communion. Mask Protocols in Worship Mask-wearing is optional during inside gatherings of Christ Church. Intercessory Prayer Please help shape the Prayers of the People, by replying to this message with the people, birthdays, anniversaries, and concerns you would like included in the Prayers of the People.
Sunday Worship:
The Rev. Dexter Cheney will officiate at 9AM Morning Prayer, and preside and preach at the 10AM Holy Eucharist. Dexter+ is much admired by long-time members of the Episcopal Church in CT for his faithfulness, wry counsel, and good humor. He agreed to step-in for the Rev. Mary Anne Osborn who is still recovering from a nasty bout with Covid; please keep her in your prayers. YFNR and Jack-the-dog are in Maine. Another special attraction for this Sunday is the return of soloist Leila Mustakos; Music Director Mark Sullivan will be accompanying her on the newly restored Steinway piano. The General Convention ,of The Episcopal Church is meeting in Baltimore, July 8-11. General Convention, composed of a House of Bishops and a House of Deputies (made up of equal numbers of clergy and lay members), meets once every three years to oversee the worship and witness of The Episcopal Church. Due to Covid, this meeting is a year late and much briefer than typical. Information about Connecticut's presence at General Convention can be found here. Daily reflections and photos of our deputations' arrival in Baltimore can be found here. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's opening sermon is posted here. Parish Transitions: On Thursday, July 7, the Wardens led an informational Vestry+plus discussion about the upcoming clergy transition. Although the process won't begin until after Fr. Harrison's retirement in September, preparations for clergy supply and oversight of the parish's life are underway. The Tag Sale Returns on Saturday, September 24, 8:30AM to 3PM. Donations of like-new housewares are now being received on Sundays during service times and Tuesdays-Thursday, 10AM-2PM in the former Nursery. Co-chairs Rose Robinson and Patti Kron welcome your participation. Beating Guns: Hope for People Weary of Violence, by Shane Claiborne, will shape a discussion led by the Rev. Mary Anne Osborn, on Wednesday evenings at 6:30p.m. Watch for further announcements about the start date. Special Requests from the Guilford Food Bank The Food Bank requests help with the items below. Please leave your donations in the bin by the the north (Town Hall-side) door to the Narthex. Thanks for helping our neighbors in need. Black tea, Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Cooking Oil, Hot chocolate(mix), Baked beans, Canned tomatoes, Pasta Sauce, Household cleaner, Laundry detergent, Paper towels Communion in "Both Kinds" continues: We currently provide two options for receiving the consecrated wine at communion. Worshipers may take a sip from the shared chalice, or from an individual communion glass. To avoid crowding, the administration of communion continues at the foot of the chancel steps. Our Bishops strongly urge us to continue refraining from intinction as we have practiced it -- note the 7th paragraph here. They also underscore that receiving in "one kind" is full communion. Need an Antigen Test? The Town provided Christ Church with a case of COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests. These tests are available on a first-come, first-served basis on the Ushers' Table and in the rectory entry hall. Mask Protocols ... ... in Worship: Mask-wearing is optional during inside gatherings of Christ Church. Intercessory Prayer: Please help shape the Prayers of the People, by replying to this message with the people, birthdays, anniversaries, and concerns you would like included in the Prayers of the People. |
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August 2022
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