Memorial Day:
With the rest of the nation, we will honor and give thanks for ... "... heroes proved in liberating strife, who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!" In addition to singing, "O beautiful for spacious skies," on Sundayj, we will conclude the Prayers of the People with a Thanksgiving for Heroic Service (BCP, p.839). To help us honor the sacrifice and service to establish and sustain our liberties, I commend to you this tour of Washington National Cathedral's War Memorial Chapel which you can find by clicking here. Digital Sunday School: We don't typically have Sunday School on holiday weekends, but these are not typical times! So, special thanks to Tyler Jarvis, our Director for Children's & Youth Ministry, for sending out this week's Digital Sunday School. (11:59a.m. our time on Friday.) Pay attention to what Tyler has to say about the story of Jesus' Ascension -- especially regarding the message from the two men who come upon the disciples. As usual he's got great questions for all of us to consider. Virtual Coffee Hour: Please join us for Coffee Hour via Zoom this Sunday May 24th at 11:30a.m. by clicking the link here. You can also participate by phone at 11:30a.m. Sunday by dialing 646.558.8656. You'll be asked for the Meeting ID 870 0445 4526, and Password: 160097. To All Christ Church 2020 Graduating High School Seniors: For the 12th consecutive year, ECW is pleased to offer a scholarship to Christ Church high school graduating seniors. The requirements needed to apply are: 1) You must be an active member of Christ Episcopal Church; 2) You have already been accepted at a school of higher learning, either academic or technical.. If interested in applying, please send an e-mail letter to Ms. Jean [email protected] Your letter should include all your Christ Church activities, the school to which you have been accepted and your future aspirations. Deadline for receiving all entries will be Monday, June 1, 2020. ECW will then confer together and announce recipient (s) shortly thereafter. Outreach Update: The Canterbury cap tips to Jenifer McShane and Owen Markswho collected and delivered two days' worth of lasagna and chicken pot pies -- and to the folks who provided then all, and delivered them to Amistad House for the 50+ homeless folks they serve. They also took institutional quantities of oatmeal, coffee and sugar provided by the Discretionary Fund. Our Bishops' Counsel: We are a parish of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. As such we depend upon the counsel and guidance of our Bishops. Bishops Douglas and Ahrens have been clear that Governor Lamont has a healthy respect for the First Amendment, and has never "ordered" closure of the state's houses of Worship. Governor Lamont has shared in detail the information on which he bases his Executive orders during weekly Zoom meeting with leaders of Connecticut's Faith-Based Organizations, including our Bishops. In turn, our Bishops, together with their staff, prepared "Living with COVID-19: Protocols and Directives for Clergy and Vestries of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut." You can read it here. At their meeting this week, your Vestry supported heeding our Bishops' strong counsel to continue our current pattern of online worship until at least June 20. The Vestry also asked for an ad hoccommittee to consider options for worship to consider at their June 17th meeting. If you would like to participate in this process, please respond to this message. As food for thought, here's a Religious News Service article about the issues raised by our traditional practice of singing in worship during this pandemic season. Sunday Intercessions: Please continue sending me the people and concerns you would like included in Sunday's Prayers of the People. This request is the online version of the form on which you would note specific people, concerns and thanksgivings as you entered the church for worship. Please reply to this message by 8a.m. Sunday morning. Our intercessions, remembrances and thanksgivings will be sent out on Monday (that's still my goal!) with any particulars you'd like to share; so, please be specific about what you're sharing with me, and what you'd like to share with the entire parish. Wednesday Evening Prayers: Our livestream mid-week evening service of prayer and music continue on Wednesday evenings at 7p.m. Since Wednesday,May 27 falls within "Ascensiontide," the readings, hymns and prayers will celebrate the Ascension of Jesus -- intercessions, petitions and thanksgivings will also be included, of course. An online bulletin will be available Wednesday morning. Thursday Morning Bible Study meets 9:30-10:30a.m. via Zoom. We're moving into Chapter 14 of Paul's letter to the Romans; in this chapter Paul talks about mutual respect and forbearance within the fellowship of Here's the link to our online conversation: click here: Participation by telephone is also possible; I'll send the connection number on request. Bishop's Book Study: Bishop Laura Ahrens leads a monthly book study typically at Camp Washington with lunch included. That study is now online. This month's study will continue discussing: St. Benedict's Toolbox - The Nuts and Bolts of Everyday Benedictine Living by Jane Tomaine, Friday, May 29, 9:30-11a.m. Details and how-to participate are available by registering here. South Central Region Town Hall with our Bishop: Join Bishop Douglas, Bishop Ahrens, our Region Missionary George Black and South Central Region Leadership Team (including our own Diane Kyle) on Tuesday, June 9 at 2p.m., for a one-hour conversation to explore what are we learning and what is God saying to us during this pandemic? All are welcome. No registration required. Zoom link HERE. Mulch Weekend Thanks! Many thanks to all who participated in spreading about 80 cubic yards of mulch around the parish grounds last weekend! Special thanks goes to project overseer Junior Warden Alicia Bacon, and to Donna LaFata for setting up the Sign-Up Genius. As folks return to the Green, it is great to have our properties looking so well cared-for! Thanks to all who are mailing in your offerings! Although we are not meeting together in-person, the life of the parish continues online, in prayer, worship, education and service -- and in all the ways that support and maintain our common life. So, as you are able, in your current financial situation, please continue your financial support of our common life by sending your offerings to Christ Church, PO Box 574, Guilford, CT 06437. Your offering will be presented at the altar; it will be physically present, even while you remain safely at home. If you are sheltering-in-place and need assistance with picking up groceries or prescriptions, please be in touch with the Parish Office. Fellow parishioners would gladly do the go-fer-ing for you. In the faith, hope and love of Christ, Harrison+ YFNR p.s. Reminders for Christ Church's online worship: You can access the livestream directly at or the parish website You may find that using an external speaker or headphones may improve the quality of audio from your device. Please remember to adjust both volume settings on your device: There is the device's volume control, usually accessed via the speaker icon on the lower right corner of your screen; Be sure that the volume is turned up here. There is another volume control on the Facebook Live image, as well. It's in the control panel at the bottom of the Live image. The default setting on that control is often mute, indicated by an "x" over the speaker icon. Be sure to click on the speaker icon to "unmute" the sound, and to turn up the volume here as well.
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