2nd Sunday of Easter, April 11, 2021:
Bishop Douglas' Big Announcement: On Wednesday in Easter Week, Bishop Ian Douglas called for the election of the 16th Bishop of Connecticut and announced his plan to retire upon the consecration of his successor in October 2022. His announcement is available here, and a letter from the Standing Committee is here. Our South Central Region's Leadership Team has invited applications from clergy and laity willing to serve on the Bishop Transition Committee. That information is available here. Easter Worship Continues: Easter is not a one-day event: Easter lasts for 50 days! There are more Easter hymns to sing; more Easter readings to hear; more Alleluias to shout! Our 10a.m. livestream will include beautiful music, great hymns, Spiritual Communion, and the chancel still decked out to celebrate the Risen Life. Unfortunately, the forecast is not promising for our Prayers in the Garden at 1p.m. Look for an announcement early Sunday morning. Digital Sunday School is on Spring Break this weekend. Look for its return via email about noon on Friday, April 16. For those of you who like me, look forward to each week's "The Sunday Paper" and "The Sunday Paper Jr.," click on the titles to get the papers to read and to print out and color! Love is the Way: Holding onto Hope in Troubling Times is Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's latest book, and some say, his best yet. Bishop Curry reflects on how God's love has come into his life and the life of others to sustain him and them during oppression, loss and sorrow. It's available online, and your favorite brick-and-mortar bookstore can order it for you. Our evening discussions began on Tuesday, April 6; a parallel Rectory Forum conversation starts this Sunday, April 11 at 9a.m. Here's the Zoom link for the Sunday Forum. Virtual Coffee Hour... this week might be a good opportunity to consider any questions or concerns regarding Bishop Ian's call for his successor's election. The link to YFNR's Personal Zoom Room seems to work well. So, join the conversation via Zoom on Sunday, April 11 at 11:30a.m. by clicking this link. This week, our Wednesday Order for Evening will return our focus to prayers for healing as we give thanks for three totally unfamiliar saints -- unfamiliar, unless you participate in Lent Madness! Namely Zenaida, Philonella and Hermione, three early Christian "unmercenary" physicians. Join our livestream prayers and hymns, Wednesday evening, April 14, at 7p.m. Thursday Bible Study will likely conclude our journey with the Israelites' wandering in the Book of Exodus. But their wandering continues: Expect some amazing stories to come in the Book of Numbers. Our conversation begins 9:30a.m. Thursday, April 15, via Zoom. Intercessory Prayer: Please help shape the Prayers of the People, by replying to this message with the people, birthdays, anniversaries, and concerns you would like included in the Prayers of the People. We are continuing our experiment with leaving the door closest to the Guild Room unlocked between 10a.m. and at least 3p.m. Please enjoy a quiet moment of prayer, likely alone, in the church all decorated for Easter, and after this Sunday pick up Easter flowers, and a candle stub for home, or to share. Spring Training: Connecticut Episcopalians are gathering on-line for learning, prayer and fellowship during an array of workshops that began this week and conclude next Saturday with a plenary session focused on "Parish Life After Covid." All Are Welcome. The 90-minute workshops address topics ranging from parish administration, to helpful spiritual practices, to how-to-lead Morning Prayer. Find details about the workshops here. Thanks to all who are mailing in your offerings! Although our in-person connections remain limited, the routine of the parish continues. Thanks to your faithfulness, we are able to continue our shared life of worship and witness -- even while maintaining appropriate distances. Please continue your financial support of our common life by bringing your offering to the altar, or the parish office, or by mailing to Christ Church, PO Box 574, Guilford, CT 06437. Your offering will be presented at the altar; it will be physically present, while you remain safely at home. In the faith, hope and love of Christ, Harrison+ YFNR p.s. Many thanks to all who helped us celebrate the Lord's Resurrection on Easter Day:
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