Dear Hearts,
This Saturday, April 23rd, our Concertato Series will present Mark Rehnstrom at 7:30 p.m. singing songs of Benjamin Britten, Bach, Schubert and others -- including his own works, and accompanied by our Music Director Mark Sullivan. Those of us who have been near the church this week, have been treated to previews of this Saturday's recital; without entering the church we could hear his marvelous baritone voice, and would tell you we are in for a special treat! Mark Rehnstrom is part of the professional music scene in New York, and has sung with our Choir on occasion. As a true "pro" however, when singing with others Mark seeks to support and blend his voice with others. On April 23rd, beginning at 7:30 p.m., those constraints will be removed, and we'll get to fully hear his gifted voice. During Coffee Hour on Sunday, April 24, our seminary intern Stephen Douglas, will talk and show slides from his pilgrimage to Italy and England last month. As you may recall, Stephen's travels occurred the week before and of Holy Week; so he has stories to tell of his experience of Palm Sunday, Easter and all the holy days before and between. He traveled with other senior seminarians at Berkeley Divinity School as part of their course of study. In the meantime, I hope all parish households have received the detailed mailing about our new print and secure on-line Parish Photo Directory. If you haven't, please let the office know! (Replying to this message will do.) This is unlike past directories: there will be no sales pitches and the photos are totally up to you! You can provide a favorite photo, or, if you prefer, Junior Warden Sue Shackford will be available to take a photo specifically for the directory. Times and dates are included in the letter; sign-ups are available in church. Our May 1st Fellowship Supper will begin at 5 p.m. with a grilled chicken Caesar salad and potluck offerings of appetizers and desserts. Then we will turn our attention to the collated and collected responses from our fall Hymn Sing and fall-winter Home Gatherings. (Copies will be available this Sunday.) We'll have a chance to get up, move around and talk with each other. as we review, discuss, comment and offer the Vestry guidance regarding priorities for next-steps in our God's Call to Us -- Now & Into the Future planning process. Childcare, mac & cheese, and a movie will be available for young parishioners. Making our Parish Hall a more inviting and useful space has become a special project for our Evening ECW. During Coffee Hour on May 1, they have arranged for Karin Patriquin of Patriquin Architects, to share a brief presentation about how these goals might be implemented. The ECW is presenting Roses for Mother's Day & A Rose for Mommy, on May 8. This project offers quite a display to honor mothers and women who have been like a mother to us. To prepare the order with Roses for Autism, forms need to be returned by the previous Sunday, May 1. Forms and details are available in church. Raise-the-Roof's Build on Guilford's Green is scheduled for Saturday, May 21: Last I looked only one 90-minute hammer-and-nails building opportunity remained. Three were available during the clean-up/load-up 3-4p.m. shift. Those tasks fit my skill-level; so that's where I signed-up. You can find them all here for folks 16 and older. Younger folks and their parents, and other adults, could help with a Bake Sale, the "Wishing Wall," and "selling" house parts. Sign-ups will be available in church. One doesn't have to look far on such a beautiful day in Eastertide, like today, to see signs of new life rising. Signs of the Risen Life are also apparent in what God is up to with us at Christ Church, Alleluia, alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia, alleluia! In faith and hope, Harrison+ YFNR p.s. The March/April edition of GTO: Glad Tidings Online is now available by clicking here. Print copies are available in the back of the church and in the parish office for those without internet access. Another reason to check out the Parish website is our ECW's page. While you are there, please complete their incredibly simple, three-question survey at the bottom of the page. The Episcopal Church Women thank you!
Mandy Benjamin
4/24/2016 07:33:02 am
I love this rendering of John baptizing Jesus!
Jane Ferrall
4/25/2016 08:52:00 am
If you like this painting, you can go see it "in person" at the Whitney in NYC! Here is some information about it from the museum's website:
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