April 6, 2021
Let Us Pray + Easter Wednesday + "Love is the Way" Discussion Begins "Wherever love is found, God's own self is there." Ubi Caritas ..., Medieval Hymn Text Dear Hearts, Love is the Way: Holding onto Hope in Troubling Times,Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's latest book, is the focus for our Eastertide discussion on Tuesday evenings and Sunday mornings starting this evening, April 6, at 7p.m. Right away, Bishop Curry makes clear, "The love I'm talking about isn't love on a Valentine's card. Those are nice, but they're not what I have in mind ..." Instead, "Love is the firm commitment to act for the well-being of someone other than yourself." This love is "the way to a new world that looks something more like God's dream for us and all creation, what Dante spoke of as 'the love that moves the sun and stars.'" (pp. 13, 14, 16) Our discussion will proceed in parallel tracks on Tuesday evenings and Sunday mornings. No need to have read anything for the first session. Here's the link for Tuesday evenings. Look for Sundays' link in the announcements on Saturday. Let us also pray for all who are commended to the parish's prayers: All who are ill, including Kelsey (recovering from organ donation), Maryanne M, Alex M, Sonny P, Duffy, Virginia, Amy B, Jim R, Kevin and Danielle; and all who are contending with Covid-19 disease; for the medical caregivers who minister of God's healing gifts; and for all facing financial hardship because of the pandemic. May they all know the healing power of Christ's presence and love. And for Timothy Lykes (Yvonne dePotter Scott's nephew), and all who have died, including the over 555,000 of our fellow citizens claimed by the coronavirus. Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord; may light perpetual shine upon them. Look with favor, O Lord, upon Ian Robinson, Ginger Sheppard and Jack Trotter,, as they celebrate their birthdays. May they continue to grow in grace and wisdom. Please also continue to pray for Carol U, Diane L, Jason, Peter, Dale, Buster, Jimmy C, Patrick and family, Felipe, Richard D, Alice M, Elizabeth Ann, Parker, Webb, Jill, Andrew E, Ed C, Pastor Bryan Meyers, Bob C, Sue S, George H, Alex & John H, Jeremy H, Shelly, Philippe, Kate, Frank, Jack, Judy & Ed S, Michael M, Richard D, Dave K, Brian A, Annie, John, Joan G., Lois C., Winnie Z, Bernie and family, Susie & Paul, Pam McG, Julie H, Murray E., Brooke & family, Kate S., Tracy M., Carl, Michael S, Joanne N-R, Madeline H, and Kelly G, Also: Leslie P, Paul D, Susan S, Linda B, Charlie K, Anne C, Mark S, Angela G, Maria, Bob, Olivia, and Jo B. Please also remember: St. Luke’s School & Church in Martel (Haiti) To add names and concerns for Wednesday's and Sunday's intercessions, and this "Let Us Pray" letter, please send them to YFNR at [email protected] with any details you care to share. Names will move to the longer term list upon request. Our Order for Evening for Wednesday in Easter Week will include the Road to Emmaus story; the only time we hear it in this year's lectionary. Our hymns include one from my childhood. The livestream of the service will start before 7p.m. via www.facebook.com/cecguilford. Thursday Bible Study continues April 8 at 9:30a.m. as we finish up with the Israelites' misbehavior while Moses lingers with God on Mt. Sinai. Join the conversation via this Eastertide Zoom code. There are no prerequisites or homework! Thanks to all who shared in our Easter Day Worship either via livestream or in-person in the Garden. There were over 32 of us, at appropriate distances, and with masks, for the Garden service; the sun was shining, Natalie Bryan and Olivia Ste. Marie provided two inspiring Easter string duets for us. It was a glorious Part B to the day's worship . Sadly, the forecast for the coming Sunday does not look as promising. Because Guilford remains solidly in a Connecticut "red zone," our indoor services will continue to be livestreamed viafacebook.com/cecguilford . However, do remember that the church is accessible via the driveway door between 10a.m. and 3p.m. daily for quiet time, likely alone, in the intoxicating scent of Easter flowers. While you're there, Easter pansies may be claimed from the table in the chancel. Sunday Lectors: Thanks to Sunday readers Diane Kyle and Chris Robinson for leading the way, recording their readings for our 10a.m. service on Easter Day. If you would like to offer a reading for an upcoming Sunday, please let me know. You can make a video recording on your phone and send it as an Mp4 file via Dropbox. Spring Training for the Episcopal Church in Connecticut begins today, April 6, and continues online through April 17. You can find all the details here regarding the workshops that range from nuts-and-bolts concerns to worship and spiritual practices. The workshops are 90 minutes long, and will be offered more than once. ECCT's eNewsletter for this week has so much information regarding Camp Washington, news and reflection articles, and online events, that I'm just going to share a link to it for your perusal. Here's the Collect for today: O God, who by the glorious resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light: Grant that we, who have been raised with him, may abide in his presence and rejoice in the hope of eternal glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be dominion and praise for ever and ever. Amen. Collect for Tuesday in Easter Week, BCP, p. 223 In the faith, hope and love of Christ, Harrison+ Your Friendly Neighborhood Rector
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