April 5, 2019
Dear Hearts, We will gather on Saturday, April 6 at 11a.m., to give thanks to God for the life of George Richard Whitney, and to commend him to God's mercy and love. Richard is the "55 year-old man" who died on the train tracks in Guilford on Monday. This is another death for the Whitney family, following those of his parents Georgia & Dick Whitney in August and February. Our prayers and support for Richard's siblings, Amy, Jim, Bill and David, and the extended Whitney clan, will be appreciated. In the service of Tenebrae, we take seriously the darkness gathering around Jesus and his proclamation of God's Kingdom. However, we do so in a meditative and poetic way, through song and chant, readings and prayers. Unlike Advent, when we light candles against the darkness, during Tenebrae, candles are extinguished in recognition that darkness is overtaking the light of Christ -- at least temporarily. Because this service is typically led for us by our middle and high school youth, and Guilford Schools' Spring Break coincides with Holy Week this year, our annual Tenebrae service will be on Wednesday, April 10, at 7p.m. She's done it again! Parishioner, Lector and Vestry Member Juliana Harris has written another book! Julie will talk about her new book at the ECW's General Meeting and Carry-In Lunch this Thursday, beginning at 11a.m. Continued thanks for being Helping-Hands-for-Haiti! Additional donations for St. Luke's School & Church in Martel, arrived with last Sunday's offering. Thanks to all who have responded to our Sunday School's effort for the children of Martel! It's not too late to participate. Please make your check out to Christ Church, with "Haiti" in the memo line, or put cash in an envelope marked for Haiti and with your name so your gift may be recorded. This weekend has two hands-on events of interest to youth and adults: Christ Church folks will gather with folks from St. Andrew's (Madison) for a Raise-the-Roof Habitat-for-Humanity build in New Haven on Saturday, April 6, 9a.m. to 3p.m. See Senior Warden Rose Robinson for details (yes, bring your own lunch!) and to sign-up. There's always something constructive for folks of every skill level to do! On Sunday, April 7, there will be a celebration and demonstration about "Beating Guns Into Garden Tools," at 6p.m. at the United Church UCC on the New Haven Green (corner of Temple & Elm). When Bishop Jim Curry spoke to us several weeks ago about "beating swords in ploughshares, and spears into pruning hooks," he showed us a garden tool made from a rifle barrel, a decorative leaf made from a rifle bolt, and a heart made from the cross-section of a shotgun barrel. Shane Claiborne and Michael Martin are leaders of this Beating Guns movement; they have written a book by that name which they've subtitled, Hope for People Who are Weary of Violence. They will speak at Sunday's event, and demonstrate beating guns into garden tools. Participants will be able to try their own hands at the forge! But first, we will care for the Whitney family and one another, offer Sunday's worship, discuss "Blessings" as part of "The Way of Love," the Sunday School will prepare for Palm Sunday, InReach will meet, and Newcomers will gather for a welcoming brunch in the Rectory. In faith, hope, and love, Harrison+ YFNR
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