Tree-Lighting Events: Chili Supper, Cookie & Wreath Sales, 5-7p.m.; Advent Begins on Sunday11/30/2018 November 30, 2018
Dear Hearts, No matter the weather, the Town of Guilford gathers today on, and around, the Green to celebrate light in the midst of darkness. While the centerpiece may be the Tree-Lighting on the Green, together with our neighbors of other faith traditions, and none, Christ Church will add to the evening's brightness with our hospitality and events: Chili-Supper -- Please remember to invite friends and neighbors to warm themselves -- along with you and yours -- against the evening chill and damp with delicious chili prepared to preferred degrees of hotness – con carne and vegetarian. There are also hotdogs for those who prefer. And it's such a deal: $8 asked for adult appetites and $4 for children. Please remember your promised cornbread and help with the evening's tasks. Much to the delight of chief honcho Jennifer Huebner, another three round tables arrived -- thanks to the Evening ECW and their Tag Sale. The Parish Hall looks particularly lovely and hospitable with mostly round tables! Cookie Sale – Chili Supper patrons may purchase dessert from the bounty of cookies and other holiday treats at the ECW’s sale table; and you'll also be able to purchase favorites to take home for holiday entertaining. The ECW would remind you that the Cookie Sale helps fund their scholarships to graduating seniors. Please remember to drop off your homemade favorites when you can today.. Wreath Sale – as of this writing, the wreaths have all been spoken for. Pre-sold wreaths have turned the rectory garage into a beautiful "wreath-hanger.". Check it out! I understand our Youth will have hot chocolate to keep you warm while you admire their handiwork! Proceeds from the Chili Supper will support Guilford Interfaith Volunteers’ Meals-on-Wheels program, making sure our neighbors have a hot daily meal. Reminds me of a line from the Gospel according to Matthew, "...I was hungry and you fed me ..." Even as the hours of daylight shorten, the Church has a whole season dedicated to proclaiming light in the midst of increasing darkness: It's called Advent. As the hours of daylight diminish, and as the world may seem increasingly bleak, Advent proclaims the Christian hope that God's love has, and will yet again, overcome this world's darkness. So, on Sunday, you'll see the Advent hangings of indigo blue -- the color of the night sky just before dawn, and the return of Angels-Under-the-Balcony and the MItten Tree. We decorate the Mitten Tree with mittens, caps, gloves, and warm coats, plus toiletries and candy, for our neighbors served by New Haven's Chapel-on-the-Green -- to help keep warm folks who live on the margins of plenty in New Haven. Reminds me of another line from last Sunday's Gospel, "...I was naked [against the cold} and you gave me clothing." "Angels" will again hang under-the-Balcony this year, as visible reminders of Christ Church's historic ministry to help keep our neighbors warm by helping with their heating expenses through the Town's Heating Assistance Program. And yes, this program, started by Christ Church folks, reminds me of a line that could've also come from the Gospel according to Matthew, "...I was out of fuel, but you kept my house warm." Our Sunday School will begin Advent by making Advent wreaths for use at home; please bring greens from home, Miss Laurie has forms and candles for you. While enjoying cider and donuts, Sunday Schoolers will also be thinking about their roles in this year's Nativity Pageant as they begin to prepare this much-loved annual tradition. In the meantime, I look forward to sharing in the Tree-LIghting events later today! In faith and hope, Harrison+ YFNR p.s. On a somber note, our beloved sister-in-Christ, Sheila Bruce, died this morning; death coming gently as a friend. Arrangements to give thanks for her life will be forthcoming next week.
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